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- Circ Res v.34;35 no.SUP.Ⅲ Structural changes in myocardium during acute ischemia Jennings RB;Ganote CE
- Am J Med v.47 The early "pump" failure of the ischemic heart Katz AM;Hecht HH
- Am J Pathol v.80 Irreversible myocardial injury in anoxic perfused rat hearts Ganote CE;Seabra-Gomes R;Nayler WG;Jennings RB
- Ann Thorac Surg v.33 Perioperative protection of the myocardium in patients with impaired ventricular function Balderman SC;Bhayana JN;Masud AZ;Michalek S;Gage AA
- Circ Res v.35 Recovery from cardiac bypass and elective cardiac arrest. The metabolic consequences of various cardioplegic procedures in the isolated rat heart Hearse DJ;Stewart DA;Chain EB
- Am J Pathol v.92 Relation between high energy phosphate and lethal injury in myocardial ischemia in the dog Jennings RB;Hawkins HW;Lowe JE;Hill ML;Klotman S;Reimer KA
- J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg v.88 Verapamil cardioplegia: improved myocardial preservation during global ischemia Balderman SC;Chan AK;Gage AA
- J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg v.84 The control of myocardial Ca sequestration with nifedifine cardioplegia Boe SL;Dixon CM;Sakert TA;Magovern GJ
- Circ Res v.50 The effects of verapamil, quiescence, and cardioplegia on calcium exchange and mechanical function in ischemic rabbit myocardium Bourdillon PD;Poole-Wilson PA
- Am J Physiol v.246 Mechanism of protection by verapamil and nifedifine from anoxic injury in isolated cardiac myocytes Cheung JY;Leaf A;Bonventre JV
- Circulation v.70 Calcium antagonist and hypothermia: the temperature dependency of the negative inotrophic and antiischemic properties of verapamil in the isolated rat heart Hearse DJ;Yamamoto F;Shattock MJ
- Ann Thorac Surg v.37 Calcium channel blockers: An intraoperative and postoperative trial in women Hicks GL;Salley RK;DeWeese JA
- Ann Thorac Surg v.39 Verapamil potassium cardioplegia and cardiac conduction Hicks GL;DeWeese JA
- Circulation v.70 Preservation of high-energy phosphates by verapamil in reperfused myocardium Lange R;Ingwall J;Hale SL;Alker KJ;Kloner RA
- J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg v.87 Global ischemic in the immature canine ventricle: enhanced protective effect of verapamil and potassium Lupinetti FM;Hammon JW;Huddleston CB;Boucek RJ;Bender HW
- Am J Cardiol v.46 Protective effect of pretreatment with verapamil, nifedifine and propranolol on myocardial function in the ischemic and reperfused myocardium Nayler WG;Ferrati R;Williams A
- J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg v.84 Protection of the myocardium against postischemic reperfusion damage: the combines effect of hypothermia and nifedipine Nayler WG
- Am J Pathol v.102 The role of calcium in the ischemic myocardium Nayler WG
- Ann Thorac Surg v.34 Functional and metabolic preservation of the immature myocardium with verapamil following global ischemia Starnes VA;Hammon JW;Lupinett FM;Olson RD;Boucek RJ;Bender HW
- Am J Physiol v.238 Effects of calcium antagonism on energy metabolism: Ca and heart function after ischemia Watts JA;Koch CD;Lanoue KF
- J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg v.86 Cardioplegia and slow channel blockers ; study with verapamil Yamamoto F;Manning AS;Braimbridge MK;Hearse DJ
- Verh Dtsch Ges Inn Med v.70 Die bedentung der energiereichem phosphate fur kontraktilitat und tonus des Myokards Fleckenstein A
- Arzneimittelforsch v.12 Isopropyl-{N-methyl-N-homovertryl-amino propyl}-3-4 dimethoryphenyac-etonitial, eine Austanzmit coronsgefassen Eigenschaften Haas H;Hartsfelder G
- J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg v.73 Effect of perfusate temperature on myocardial protection from ischemia Tyers GF;Williams EH;Hughes HC;Todd GJ
- 대흉외지 v.19 Verapamil 심정지액의 심근보호효과에 관한 실험적 연구 박표원;성상현;조재일;안재호;이중기
- Ann Thorac Surg v.36 Nifedifine cardioplegia experience: results of a 3-year cooperative clinical study Clark RE;Magovern GJ;Christlieb IY;Boe S