재생확률과정에 의한 최적 포장계획 수립에 관한 연구

Approximate Solution to Optimal Packing Problem by Renewal Process

  • 이호창 (경희대학교 사회과학대학 경영학부)
  • 발행 : 1997.06.01


We are concerned with the packing policy determines the optimal packing of products with variable sizes to minimize the penalty costs for idle space and product spliting. Optimal packing problem is closely related to the optimal packet/record sizing problem in that randomly generated data stream with variable bytes are divided into a unit of packet/record for transmitting or storing. Assuming the product size and the production period are independently determined by renewal process, we can approximate the renewal process and formulate the optimization problem that minimize the expected packing cost for a production period. The problem is divided into two cases according to whether a product is allowed to split or not. Computational results for various distributions will be given to verify the approximation procedure and the resulting optimization problem.



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