Relationships Between Characteristics of Foodservice and Job Satisfaction of the Korean Dietitian

급식형태와 우리나라 영양사의 직무만족도의 관련성에 관한 연구

  • 문현경 (단국대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 정효지 (서울대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 조정순 (명지대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 1997.05.01


This study was carried out to investigate relationships between characteristics of foodservice and job satisfaction of Korean dietitians. The subjects were 2987 dietitians who responded to the questionnaire distributed at the annual education program of the Korean Dietetic As-sociation in 1995. The results were followings; 1)The level of jov satisfaction of Korean dietitians was low for payment work environment and value achievement as a dietitian while it was relatively high for the relationship with col-leagues. The other parts of job satissatisfaction such as work load work contents supervision by the superiors participation of policy decision and selp disccertion were just below average. 2)The type of operating style menu style and serving time in foodservise were not sig-nificantly related to all fields of job satisfaction but the kinds of meals served a day and the to-tal number of persons served a day were significantly correlated. 3) The dietitians who had to provide meal plans such as breakfast+dinner and + snack or all day serving had significantly lower job satisfaction in all fields. 4)Job satisfaction was significantly higher when the total number of persons served a day was between 500-700.(Korean J Community Nutrition 2(2) : 232~245, 1997)
