Categorization of Competencies and Description of Job Informations for Dietitians in Employee Foodservice by Wdorker-oriented Job Analysis Methodology

직영 및 위탁 사업체 급식소 영양사에 대한 작업자 지향적 직무분석(제 2 보) : 요인분석에 의한 직무수행 특성 영역 및 직무정보 기술

  • 차진아 (기전여자전문대학 식품영양과) ;
  • 양일선 (연세대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 유태용 (광운대학교 산업심리학과)
  • Published : 1997.10.01


The job characteristics and competencies of 285 dietitians in employee foodservices were investigated by worker-oriented job analysis methodology. The purposes of this study were to : a) determine the knowledge, abilities, skills and other characteristics(KASO) needed for dietitians in two types of employee foodservice groups(self-operated vs. contracted), b) categorize KASO items by factor analysis and c) provide job information and job descriptions for dietitians in employee foodservices. The job analysis questionnaire was consisted of questions concerning the 134 KASO items. The questionnaire was mailed to 250 dietitians who are members of The Korean Dietetic Association Practice Group in self-operated foodservices(group A) and 250 dietitians who are employed in contracted foodservice companies(group B). Completed questionnaires were received from 285 dietitians(121 in self-operated, 164 in contracted) ; with response rate of 57%. Statistical data analysis was completed using the SPSS/win and the SAS/win packages. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. 1) Through factor analysis, the 134 KASO items were regrouped into 6 categories :‘primary dietetic tasks concerning menu management and administrative work regarding merchants’, ‘primary dietetic tasks concerning procurement and purchasing of food and supplies and meal production and service control’, ‘primary dietetic tasks concerning facility, sanitation and safety control’, ‘secondary dietetic tasks concerning nutrition education and research’, ‘secondary dietetic tasks concerning foodservice operation management’and‘human attributes’. 2) Analysis of the total scores(average scores of degree of frequency, importance and entry requirements of KASO items within 6 categories), group A showed high priorities placed on‘human attributes’, ‘procurement and purchasing of food and supplies and meal production and service control’, ‘menu management and administrative work regarding merchants’, ‘whereas group B showed high priorities placed on’‘human attributes’, ‘foodservice operation management’. (Korean J Community Nutrition 2(4) : 605-615, 1997)
