Segmentation of a moving object using binary phase extraction joint transform correlator technology

BPEJTC 기술을 이용한 이동 표적 영역화

  • Published : 1997.07.01


As the need of automatized system has been increased recently together with the development of industrial and military technologies, the adaptive real-time target detection technologies that can be embedded on vehicles, planes, ships, robots and so on, are hgihly demanded. Accordingly, this paper proposes a novel approach to detect and segment the moving targets using the binary phase extraction joint transform correlator (BPEJTC), the advanced image subtraction filter and convex hull processing. The BPEJTC which was used as a target detection unit mainly for target tracking compensating the camera movement. The target region has been detected by processing the successful three frames using the advanced image subtraction filter, and has become more accurate by applying the developed convex hull filter. As shown by some experimental results, it is expected that the proposed approaches for compensation of the camera movement and segmentationof of target region, can be used for th emissile guiddance, aero surveillance, automatic inspectin system as well as the target detection unit of automatic target recognition system that request adaptive real-time processing.
