Breakup Characteristics in Plain Jet Air Blast Atomizer(I)-Jet Breakup and Internal Flow-

2유체 분무노즐의 분열특성(I)-액주분열 및 내부유동-

  • 발행 : 1997.08.01


The breakup length of a liquid jet with flowrate, formed by releasing through a nozzle of circular cross-section into the atmosphere, was experimented and studied for 3 liquid nozzles of varying diameters. The experimental result was analyzed using the existing theoretical equation for predicting the breakup length. It was found that the breakup length of liquid jet depends on the velocity, and the breakup length increases with increasing of the liquid nozzle diameter. Also, the variation range of the breakup length for the same flowrate of liquid increased rapidly as velocity was increased for laminar flow, but in the turbulent flow region, it leveled off in the range of approximately 0.55-0.7 of the mean breakup length. Furthermore, when the longest smooth liquid jet was applied to the co-axial flow air blast atomizer, the effect of air flow on the flow pattern and breakup length was studied for 6 glass nozzles of different lengths and diameters. It was found that depending on the diameter of the mixing tube and liquid jet, it was possible to observe a wide range of flow patterns, such as liquid jet through flow, partial annular flow and annular flow. The liquid jet breakup length was more sensitive to the change in the length rather than the diameter of the mixing tube. As the length of the mixing tube shortens, the breakup length also shortens rapidly.
