On the spectral propeties of multipliers

  • Yoo, Jong-Kwang (Department of Liberal Arts and science Chodang University)
  • 발행 : 1997.10.01


This note centers around the class M(A) of multipliers on a Gelfand algebra A. This class is a large subalgebra of the Banach algebra L(A). The aim of this note is to investigate some aspects concerning their local spectral properties of multipliers. In the last part of work we consider some applications to automatic continuity theory.



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  2. Lectures in functional analysis and operator theory S. K. Berberian
  3. Complete normed algebras F. F. Bonsall;J. Duncan
  4. Theory of generalized spectral operators I. Colojoara;C. Foias
  5. A course in functional analysis J. B. Conway
  6. Spectral decompositions on Banach spaces, Lecture motes in mathematics I. Erdelyi;R. Lange
  7. Ann. of Math. v.64 Multipliers of Banach algebras S. Helgason
  8. Functional analysis H. Heuser
  9. An introduction to the theory of multipliers R. Larsen
  10. Pacific J. Math. v.152 Operators with finite ascent K. B. Laursen
  11. J. Operator Theory v.15 Decomposable operators and automatic continuity K. B. Laursen;M. M. Neumann
  12. Pacific J. Math. v.11 Multipliers of commutative Banach algebras J. K. Wang
  13. Pacific J. Math. v.1 On isometric isomorphism of group algebras J. G. Wendel