- Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. v.85 Homological dimension in local rings M. Auslander;D. Buchsbaum
- J. Math. Mech. v.10 Some remarks on factorization in power series rings D. Buchsbaum
- Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. v.64 On ideals of finite homological dimension in local rings L. Burch
- J. Algebra v.119 The divisor class group of surfaces of embedding dimension 3 S. Choi
- Math. USSRSb v.10 The group of ideal classes of a complete ring V. I. Danilov
- Math. USSR-Sb. v.10 On a conjecture of Samuel V. I. Danilov
- AMS Proc. of Pure Math v.XXIX Recent progress in commutative algebra, Algebraic Geometry-Arcata 1974 D. Eisenbud
- The divisor class group of a Krull domain v.74 R. Fossum
$N^o$ v.36 Rational singularities with applications to algebraic surfaces and unique factorizations J. Lipman - AMS Proc. of Pure Math v.XXIX Unique factorization in complete local rings, Algebraic Geometry-Arcata 1974 J. Lipman
$N^o$ v.9 The topology of normal singularities of an algebraic surface D. Mumford - Atti. accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. v.40 no.8 Su un problema posto da P. Samuel P. Salmon
- Illinois J. Math. v.5 On unique factorization domains P. Samuel
- Bull. Soc. Math. France v.89 Sur les anneaux factoriels P. Samuel
- Math. Annelen v.152 Einige Beispiele faktorieller lokaler Ringe G. Scheja