- Sobolev spaces R. Adams
- Numer. Math. v.20 The finite method with Lagrange multipliers I. Babuska
- Math. Comp. v.30 Higher order approximations to the boundary conditions for the finite element method J. Blair
- Math. Comp. v.37 The Lagrange multiplier method for Dirichlet's problem J. Bramble
- Numer. Math. v.36 Finite-dimensional approximation of nonlinear problems. PartⅠ: Branches of nonsingular solutions F. Brezzi;P.-A. Raviart
- The finite element method for elliptic problems P. Ciarlet
- Theory and algorithms Finite element methods for Navier-Stokes equations V. Girault;P.-A. Raviart
- Elliptic problems in non-smooth domains P. Grisvard
- Math. Comp. v.57 Analysis and finite element approximation of optimal control problems for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations with distributed and Neumann controls M. Gunzburger;L. Hou;T. Svobodny
- Incompressible Computational Fluid Dynamics Optimal control and optimization of viscous incompressible flows M. Gunzburger;L. Hou;T. Svobodny;M. Gunzburger(ed.);R.A. Nicolaids(ed.)
- SIAM J. Numer. Anal. v.29 Treating inhomogeneous essential boundary conditions in finite element methods and the calculation of boundary stresses M. Gunzburger;L. Hou
- Existence of an optimal solution of a shape control problem for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations M. Gunzburger;H. Kim
- Sensitivity analysis of a shape control problem for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations M. Gunzburger;H. Kim
- Math. Comp. v.37 The finite element method with Lagrange multipliers for domains with corners J. Pitkaranta
- Navier-Stokes equations: Theory and numerical analysis R. Temam
- RAIRO Anal. Numer. v.18 Error estimates for a mixed finite element approximations of the Stokes equations R. Verfurth
- Numer. Math. v.50 Finite element approximation of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with slip boundary condition R. Verfurth