• Chung, Sang-Cho (Department of Mathematics Chungnam National University ) ;
  • Lee, Dong-Soo (Department of Mathematics Chungnam National University )
  • 발행 : 1997.02.01




  1. Math. J. Toyama Univ. v.17 Associated prime ideals and isomorphisms of modules of generalized fractions S. C. Chung
  2. Nagoya Math. J. v.136 Complexes of Cousin type and modules of generalized fractions S. C. Chung
  3. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. v.28 Krull dimension and generalized fractions M. A. Hamieh;R. Y. Sharp
  4. Commutative ring theory H. Matsumura
  5. J. Alg. v.85 Asymptotic sequences L. J. Ratliff
  6. Glasgow Math. J. v.26 Cousin complexes and generalized fractions A. M. Riley;R. Y. Sharp;H. Zakeri
  7. Mathematika v.29 Modules of generalized fractions R. Y. Sharp;H. Zakeri
  8. Mathematika v.29 Local cohomology and modules of generalized fractions R. Y. Sharp;H. Zakeri
  9. Commutative Algebra Modules of generalized fractions and balanced big Cohen-Macaulay modules, R. Y. Sharp;H. Zakeri
  10. London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes v.72 R. Y. Sharp;H. Zakeri
  11. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Sheffield The generalized Hughes complex and modules of generalized fractions M. Yassi