Fixed points of a certain class of mappings in uniformly convex banach spaces

  • Thakur, Balwant-Singh (Govt. B. H. S. S. Gariaband, Dist. Raipur, M. pp. 493889, India) ;
  • Dep (Department of Mathematics, Dong-A University, Pusan 607-714)
  • 발행 : 1997.08.01


In this paper, we prove in p-uniforlmy convex space a fixed point theorem for a class of mappings T satsfying: for each x, y in the domain and for n = 1, 2, 3, $\cdots$, $$ \left\$\mid$ T^n x - T^n y \right\$\mid$ \leq a \cdot \left\$\mid$ x - y \right\$\mid$ + b(\left\$\mid$ x - T^n x \right\$\mid$ + \left\$\mid$ y - T^n y \right\$\mid$) + c(\left\$\mid$ c - T^n y \right\$\mid$ + \left\$\mid$ y - T^n x \right\$\mid$, $$ where a, b, c are nonnegative constants satisfying certain conditions. Further we establish some fixed point theorems for these mappings in a Hilbert space, in $L^p$ spaces, in Hardy spaces $H^p$ and in Sobolev spaces $H^{p,k}$ for 1 < p < $\infty$ and k $\leq$ 0. As a consequence of our main result, we also the results of Goebel and Kirk [7], Lim [8], Lifshitz [12], Xu [20] and others.



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