Inhibition of Cytopathic Effect of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 by Water-soluble Extract of Ganoderma lucidum

  • Kim, Ha-Won (Department of Life Science, College of Liberal Arts and Natural Science, The University of Seoul) ;
  • Shim, Mi-Ja (Department of Life Science, College of Liberal Arts and Natural Science, The University of Seoul) ;
  • Choi, Eung-Chil (Department of Microbial Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim, Byoung-Kak (Department of Microbial Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 1997.10.01


To examine components of Ganoderma lucidum for anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) activity, the aqueous extracts of its basidiocarps were separated into high-molecular-weight (HMF) and low-molecular-weight (LMF) fractions. These fractions were used in XTT [2,3-bis (2-methoxy-4-nitro-5-sulfophenyl)-5-[(phenylamino) carbonyl]-2H-tetrazolium hydroxide] antiviral assay which can quantitatively measure cytopathic effects of HIV-1 on CEM, human T lymphoblastoid cell line. The CEM cell line added with serial diluted HMF or LMF was cultured in the absence or presence of HIV-1. The results showed that the LMF of the aqueous extract strongly inhibited cytopathic effect of the target cell induced by HIV-1. When two-fold serially diluted LMF ranging from $40.97{\mu}g/ml$4 to 125.00 .mu.g/ml was added to the virus-free culture system, no toxicity on the target cells was detected in all the concentrations tested. However, when it was added to the HIV-infected culture system, the viabilities of the target cell reached a plateau recovering its viabilities to 71.7% and 82.5% in experiment-1 and -2 at 15.60 .mu.g/ml, respectively. The cell viabilities were then gradually decreased but maintained at more than 50% above 31.20 .mu.g/ml concentration. On the contrary, HMF did not prevent any HIV-induced cytopathic effect at any concentrations tested on this cell line. From these results, negligible toxicities were observed by both HMF and LMF of G. luciolum, and recovery of cell viability in HIV infected target cell was induced only by LMF of the carpophores.



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