A Study on Development for Joint of Concrete Filled Steel Tube Column and P.C Reinforced Concrete Beam(2) -The Behaviors Properties of Joint with Key Parameter, such as Strength of Concrete, size of Panel Zone and Axial Force ratio-

콘크리트 충전강관 기둥과 PC 철근 콘크리트 보 접합부의 개발에 관한 연구(2) -콘크리트 강도, 판넬죤의 크기, 축력비를 변수로 한 접합부의 거동 특성-

  • Published : 1997.03.30


The purpose of this study is to develop composite structural system which is to have versatility in plan design and to improve economical efficieney, to maximise structural capacity than existing structural system. In this viewpoint, it was investigated to the properties of structural behaviors for i oint consisting of concrete filled steel square tube column and P.C reinforced concrete beam through a series of hysteretic behavior experiment. In the previous report, researched to the properties of joints with key parameters. such as Axial Force ratio and section types. From the based on previous results, this study investigated the properties of this joints with key parameters, such as strength of concrete, size of panel zone and Axial Force ratio. The obtained results are summarised as follows. (1) Investigating for the failure mode of the beam-to-column joint, the specimens of S,LL and LH series(except for L5H) presented flexural failure mode. (2) The initial stiffness of joint was increasd as the decrease of axial force ratio and increase of the concrete strength. (3) The rotation resisting capacity was effective as the increment of the concrete strength and decrement of the axial force ratio. (4) The emprical formula to predict the ultimate capacity of joint model to introduce decrease coefficient according to the axial force ratio to superimpose shearing strength of steel web(H section) and bending strength of reinforced concrete beam was expected.



Supported by : 한국학술진흥재단


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