Journal of fish pathology (한국어병학회지)
- Volume 10 Issue 1
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- Pages.21-29
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- 1997
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- 1226-0819(pISSN)
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- 2233-5412(eISSN)
Study on distribution and extermination of scuticociliatids parasitizing to japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus in southern Korea
남해 양식산 넙치(Paralichthys olivaceus) 치어에 기생한 스쿠티카 섬모충(scuticociliatids) 동태 및 구제에 관하여
- Choi, Sang-Duk (South Sea Fisheries Research Institute, National Fisheries Research and Development Agency) ;
- Kim, Jin-Man (Department of Biological Engineering, Yosu National Fisheries University) ;
- Kim, Sung-Yeon (South Sea Fisheries Research Institute, National Fisheries Research and Development Agency) ;
Jo, Yong-Chul
(South Sea Fisheries Research Institute, National Fisheries Research and Development Agency) ;
- Choi, Koang-Kyu (Fisheries Extention Service Division, National Fisheries Research and Development Agency) ;
- Yang, Han-Choon (Department of Aquaculture, Yosu National Fisheries University)
- 최상덕 (국립수산진흥원 남해수산연구소 증식과) ;
- 김진만 (여수수산대학교 생물공학과) ;
- 김성연 (국립수산진흥원 남해수산연구소 증식과) ;
(국립수산진흥원 남해수산연구소 증식과) ;
- 최광규 (국립수산진흥원 지도과) ;
- 양한춘 (여수수산대학교 양식학과)
- Published : 1997.05.30
We investigated on the prevalence and extermination of scuticociliatids parasitic on cultured japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus in land-marine tank system of southern Korea from January to February in 1997. The gills and the skin showed the highest infection rate(60%), and the brain showed the lowest(22%). Also, fish secreted large quantity of mucus with a bleeding and ulcerated lesions on the infected sites. The number of the parasites in inflowing sea water, surface water and bottom water of farming tank ranged 0~1 individuals/
1997년 1~2월 사이 저수온기에 남해안 일대의 육상수조식 넙치종묘배양장에서 원생충 스쿠티카 섬모충을 분리하여 이들의 감염률 및 in vitro내 사멸실험을 하였다. 스쿠티카 섬모충은 넙치의 아가미와 체표 점액질 부분에서 60%로 가장 높게 감염되었고, 뇌조직에서는 22%로 가장 적게 감염되었다. 기생된 부위는 출혈과 함께 점액이 다량 분비되었고, 궤양도 형성되었다. 넙치 종묘배양장의 사육 원수, 상층수, 저층수에 있어서 스쿠티카 섬모충의 검출량은 각각 0~1, 0~413,