A Study on the inhibition of metastasis and recurrence of neoplasm

종양(腫瘍)의 전이(轉移) 및 재발(再發) 억제(抑制)에 관(關)한 고찰(考察)

  • Published : 1997.12.30


Many types of cancer, current therapy other than surgery and/or radiotherapy was of only limited efficacy. At the basic chinese traditional medicine(TCM) there was increased understanding of the additional basic and clinical neoplasm treatment research. The metastasis and recurrence of neoplasm was the basis of yudu(餘毒) on remained neoplasm cell and stagnation of blood, thermotoxo, phlegm, asthenia of healthy enerngy, stagnation of vital energy. The principles therapy of neoplasm on metastasis and recurrence was based on knowledge of the method of support the healthy energy and strengthen the body resistance, promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis, clear away heat and toxic materials, dissipate phlegm and disperse the accumulation of evils, regulate vital energy and disperse the depressed vital energy. But the major clinical features of neoplasm was to be considered in developing a treatment plan include (1) distinguish between clinical and pathologic staging - acute and chronic, (2) classification of pathologic pattern, and (3) distinction of body situation : for examples asthenia - sthenia etc. It was most important to distinguish between supporting the healthy and eliminating the evil factors and to treat differently at the root and the branch cause of a neoplasm. This paper's results indicate that identification and effective use of TCM medicines inhibited netastasis and decreased recurrence and then we were able to expect increasing survival rate.



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