- 免疫學 김세종
- 알레르기와 韓方 丁奎萬
- 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.11 no.1 알레르기疾患의 韓方療法 鄭昇杞
- 免疫學 서울대학교의과대학
- 基本免疫學 文希柱
- 新免疫學入門 吳贊鎬(譯)
- 그림으로 본 免疫學 하대유(外 편역)
- 免疫學入門 鄭憲鐸(外)
- 最新免疫學 金淵台(譯)
- 알레르기 v.15 최근 서울지역에서의 아토피의 증가 현상 김우경(外)
- 諸病源候論 巢元方
- 新編中藥炮制法 溤興民
- 한약생약규격집 保健社會部
- 民間獸醫本草 溤洪錢
- 中國藥物大全 中國藥物大全編委會
- 歷代中藥炮制法匯典 王孝濤
- 中藥采集收購鑒別手冊 范崔生
- 本草學(韓藥調劑資格取得基本叢書 2) 東醫醫學硏究所
- 中藥易混飮片鑒別 孫安嘉;繆細泉(編著)
- 中藥炮製學 孫賢哲;蔡貴花
- 鮮漢藥物學 李泰浩
- 名醫別錄 陶弘景
- 本草綱目 李時珍
- 中草藥學 中等衛生學校試驗用敎材中草藥學編寫組
- 申氏本草學 申佶求
- 增廣和劑局方藥性總論 不著僎人
- 中藥材形態鑑別 劉接寶
- 中藥大辭典(上) 江蘇新醫學院(編)
- 本草用法 周志林
- 中草藥學(新編中醫學敎材) 上海中藥學院
- 中藥大全 崔樹德
- 中藥臨床應用 中山醫學院
- 漢藥의 藥理. 成分. 臨床應用 陸昌洙(外)
- 中草藥 周風梧
- 香港中草藥(第一輯) 莊兆祥;李寧漢
- 中藥硏究文獻摘要 劉壽山
Develop. Brain Res.
Localization and developmental expression of a novel protein kinase C
$\delta$ gene. Kim HM;Hirota S;Onoue H;Hirata T;Suzuki K;Ohno S;Kuroki T;Kitamura Y;Nomura S -
J. Mol. Neuro.
$\gamma$ gene expression is delayed in postnatal central nervous system of mi/mi mice. Kim HM;Hirota S;Chung HT;Onoue H;Ito A;Morii E;Hirata T;Ohno S;Osada S.I;Kitamura Y;Nomura S - Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. v.199 Involvement of protein kinase C in the inhibition of nitric oxide production from murine microglial cells by glucocorticoid. Jun CD;Ryu H;Um JY;Kim TY;KIm JM;Kang SS;Kim HM;Chung HT
The J. Immunol.
Synergistic cooperation between phorbol ester and IFN-
$\gamma$ for incuction of nitric oxide synthesis in murine peritoneal macrophages. Jun CD;Choi BM;Ryu H;Um JY;Kwak HJ;Lee BS;Paik SG;Kim HM;Chung HT - Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. v.105 Differential expression of protein kinase C genes in cultured mast cells derived from normal and mast cell-deficient mice and mast cell lines. Kim HM;Hirota S;Chung HT;Ohno S;Osada S.I;Shin TK;KO KI;Kim JB;Kitamura Y;Nomura S
Biochem. and Biophys. Res. Commun.
Nitric oxide inhibits the expression of protein kinase C
$\delta$ gene in the murine peritoneal macrophages. Jun CD;Choi BM;Lee SY;Kang SS;Kim HM;Chung HT -
Phorbol ester synergistically increases IFN-
$\gamma$ induced nitric oxide synthesis in murine microglial cells. Yun HJ;Jun CD;Kim JM;Rim GN;Kim HM;Chung HT -
The J. Urol.
Expression of protein kinase C
$\delta$ gene in germ cells. Um JY;Choi BM;Kim JS;Kim HM;Chung HT - J. Immunol. v.154 Involvement of protein kinase C during taxol-induced activation of murine peritoneal macrophages. Jun CD;Choi BM;Kim HM;Chung HT
- Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. v.220 Correlation between levels of delta protein kinase C and resistance to differentiation in murine erythroleukemia cells. Patrone M;Pessino A;Passalacqua M;Sparatore B;Melloni E;Pontremoli S
- Cell Grow. Differen. v.6 In situ effects of interferon on human glioma protein kinase C-alpha and beta ultrastructural localization. Acevedo-Duncan M;Collins J;Zhang R;Haller E;Chalfant CE;Cooper DR
- Biochi. et Biophysi. acta v.1269 Antibodies specific for proteolyzed forms of protein kinase C alpha. Kikichi H;Imajoh-Ohmi S
- Neuroscience Letters v.171 Rat brain glial cells in primary culture and subculture contain the delta, epsilon and zeta subspecies of protein kinase C as well as the conventional subspecies. Gott AL;Mallon BS;Paton A;Groome N;Rumsby MG
- J. Biol. Chem. v.269 A new member of the third class in the protein kinase C family, PKC lambda, expressed dominantly in an undifferentiated mouse embryonal carcinoma cell line and also in many tissues and cells. Akimoto K;Mizuno K;Osada S;Hirai S;Tanuma S;Suzuki K;Ohno S
- Biochem. J. v.297 A role for protein kinase C subtypes alpha and epsilon in phorbol-ester-enhanced K(+)- and carbachol-evoked noradrenaline release from the human neuro blastoma SH-SY5Y. Turner NA;Rumsby MG;Walker JH;McMorris FA;Ball SG;Vaughan PF
- J. Cell Biol. v.133 Mitosis-specific phosphorylation of vimentin by protein kinase C coupled with reorganization of intracellular membranes. Takai Y;Ogawara M;Tomono Y;Moritoh C;Imajoh-Ohmi S;Tsutsumi O;Taketani Y;Inagaki M
- Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. v.220 Protein kinase C inhibitors enhance the synergistic mitogenic effects of ethanolamine analogues and insulin in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. Kiss Z;Crilly KS;Anderson WB
- J. Immunol. v.156 Glycosylphosphatidylinositoltoxin of Plasmodium induces nitric oxide synthase expression in macrophages and vascular endothelial cells by a protein tyrosine kinase-dependent and protein kinase C-dependent signaling pathway. Tachado SD;Gerold P;McConville MJ;Baldwin T;Quilici D;Schwarz RT;Schofield L
- J. Immunol. v.156 Characterization and purification of a protein kinase C substrate in human B cells. Identification as lymphocyte-specific protein 1 (LSP1). Carballo E;Colomer D;Vives-Corrons JL;Blackshear PJ;Gil J
- Brit. J. Pharmacol. v.116 Protein kinase C involvement in maintenance and modulation of noradrenaline release in the mouse brain cortex. Schroeder GE;Kotsonis P;Musgrave IF;Majewski H
- J. Cell Biol. v.132 Identification and localization of an actin-binding motif that is unuque to the epsilon isoform of protein kinase C and participates in the regulation of synaptic function. Prekeris R;Mayhew MW;Cooper JB;Terrian DM
- Pharmaceutical Research and Development. Screening methods for drug evaluation 3. Saito H;Nomura Y;Suzuki I;Tanaka H;Yajima H;Fukuda H;Sezaki H;Koga K;Hirobe M;Nakajima T(eds.)
- J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. v.63 Some tetrahydroisoquinolones. II. Their action on blood pressure, respiration and smooth muscle. Fasset DW;Hjort AM
- J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. v.76 Relative pharmacological effects of 2-alkyl-1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydroisoquinolone hydrochlorides. Hjort AM;De Beer EJ;Buck JS;Randall IC
- J. Am. Chem. Soc. v.71 A family of long acting depressors. Baltzly R;Buck Js;De Beer EJ;Webb FS
- Microbiol. Immunol. v.22 A new method for extraction of extravasate dye in the skin and the influence of fasting stress on passive cutaneous anaphylaxis in guinea pigs and rats. Katayama S;Shionoya H;Ohtake S
- J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. v.127 A method for fluorometric assay of histamine in tissues. Shore PA;Burkhalter A;Cohn VH
- Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. v.100 Supernormal histamine release and normal cytotoxic activity of Beige rat mast cells with giant granules. Kanemoto TJ;Kasugai T;Yamatodani A;Ushio H;Mochizuki T;Tohya K.;Kimura M;Nishimura M;Kitamura Y
- J. Biol. Chem. v.252 Native heparin from rat peritoneal mast cells. Yurt RW;Leid RW;Austin KF
- Biochem. Pharmacol. v.28 Partial purification and characterization of L-histidine decarboxylase from fetal rats. Watanabe T;Nakamura H;Liang LY;Yamatodani a;Wada H
- FEBS v.276 cDNA-derived amino acid sequence of L-histidine decarboxylase from mouse mastocytoma P-815 cells. Yamamoto J;Yatsunami K;Ohmori E;Sugimoto Y;Fukui T;Katayama T;Ichikawa A
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta v.1133 Synergistic effects of 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate and dexamethasone on de novo synthesis of histidine decarboxylase in mouse matocytoma P-815 cells. Kawai H;Ohgoh M;Emoto S;Ohmori E;Imanishi N;Yatsunami K;Ichikawa A
- 原色臨床本草學 辛民敎
- 現代實用中藥 葉橘泉
- 全國中草藥匯編(上冊) 全國中草藥匯編寫組
- 本草學 李尙仁
- 安徽常用中藥材易混品種鑑別 黃進主
- 現代漢方藥物學 李相漸
- 圖說漢方醫藥大辭典(第2卷) 陣存仁
- 和漢藥考 小泉榮次郞
- 和漢藥物學 高木敬次郞(外)
- 中藥志(第五冊) 中醫醫學科學院藥用植物資源開發硏究所
- 韓國本草學 陸昌洙
- 圖解鄕藥(生藥)大辭典(植物篇) 鄭普燮;辛民敎
- 本草學 康秉秀(外)
- 臨床配合本草學 康秉秀(外)
- 中藥硏究文獻摘要 劉壽山
- Yao Hsueh Hsu pao. v.24 no.4 Studies on the chemical constituents of Aquillaria sinensis (Lour) Gilg. III. Elucidation of the structure of isobaimuxionol and isolation and identification of the constituents of lower boiling fraction of the volatile oil. Yang JS;Wang YL;Su YL;He CH;Zheng QT;Yang J
- 中國常用中草藥 沈保安
- 中華民國共和國藥典一九八五年版一部 中華民國共和國衛生部藥典委員會
- 中華民國共和國藥典一九九年o年版一部 中華民國共和國衛生部藥典委員會
- 實用傷科中藥與方劑 鄭懷賢;冉德主
- 臨床實用中藥學 安正華
- 實用藥物手冊 山東省人民醫院
- 中藥精華 張顯臣;張靖華
- 經史證類大觀本草 唐愼微
- 增註本草從新 吳儀洛
- 福健省中藥炮制規範 王岳宝(外)
- 本草分經 姚瀾撰
- 中藥學 安正華
- 增補本草備要 醫學硏究會
- 中國藥物學 時逸人
- 中藥通報 v.30 no.6 沈香對腸平滑肌的藥理作用 周永標
- 抗癌本草 常敏毅
- Nature v.216 Disodium cromoglycate (FPL 670) ('Intal') : a specific inhibitor of reaginic antibody-antigen mechani는. Cox JSG
- Clin. Exp. Immunol. v.13 Inhibition of immediate hypersensitivity reactions by disodium cromoglycate. Requirements for activity in two laboratory models. Thomson DS;Evans DP
- Int. Arch. Allergy Appl. Immunol. v.38 Inhibition of allergic ractions in man and other species by cromoglycate. Assem ESK;Mongar JL
- Eur. J. Pharmacol. v.113 Hitamine release induced by histone and phorbol ester from rat peritoneal mast cell. Segi-Eisenberg R;Foreman JC;Shelly R
- J. Immunol. v.141 Transllocation of protein kinase C in rat basophilic leukemia cells induced by phorbol ester or by aggregation of Ige receptors. White, K.N.;Metzger, H.
- Biochem. J. v.244 down regulation of protein kinase C is due to and increased rate of degracation. Young, S.;Parker, P.J.;Ullrich, A.;Stabel, S.
- Nature Protein kinase C regulation of the receptor-coupled calcium signal in histamine-secreting rat basophilic leukaemia cells. Segi-Eisenberg, R.;Lieman, H.;Pecht, I.
- Biochem. Pharmacol. v.122 Effects of glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetinic acid on dexamethasone-induced changes in histamine synthesis of mouse mast rocytoma P-815 cells and in histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells. Imanishi, N.;Kawai, H.;Hayashi, Y.;Yatsunami, K.;Ichikawa, A.
- Cell v.49 Phorbol esterinducible genes contain a common cis element recognized by a TPA-modulated trans-acting factor. Angel, P.;Imagawa, M.;Chiu, R.;Stein, B.;Imbra, R.J.;Rahmodorf, H.J.;Jonat, C.;Herrlich, P.;Karin, M.
- Cell v.56 Gene regulation by steroid hormones. Beato, M.
- Nature v.308 Characterization of DNA sequences through which cadmium and glucocorticoid hormones induce humon metallothionein-IIA gene. Karin, M.;Haslinger, A.;Holtereve, H.;Richards, R.I.;Krautet, P.;Westphal, H.M.;Beato, M.
- Science v.236 Glucocorticoid receptor mutants that define a small region sufficient for enhancer activation. Miesfeld, R.;Godowski, P.J.;Malter, B.A.;Yamamoto, K.R.
- Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. v.138 Diacylglycerol amplifies the induction in vivo of tyrosine amino-transferase and ornithine decarboxylase by glucocorticoid. Kido, H.;Fukusen, N.;Ishidoh, K.;Katsunuma, N.
- Biochemistry v.26 Tumor-promoting phorbol ester amplifies the inductions of tyrosine aminotransferase and ornithine decarboxylase by glucocrticoid. Kido, H.;Jukusen, N.;Katsunuma, N.
- Adv. Enzyme Regul. v.26 Studies on biomodulators of glucocorticoid actions; the nature and the modes of actions of glucocorticoid potency amplifiers. Katsunuma, N.;Kido, H.
- Cell v.62 Antitumar promotion and antiinflammation : down-modulation of AP-1 (Fos/Jun) activity by glucocorticiod hormone. Jonat, C.;Rahmsdorf, H.J.;Park, K.K.;Cato, A.C.B.;Gebel, S.;Ponta, H.;Herrlich, P.
- Cell v.62 Transcriptional interference between c-Jun and the glucocorticoid receptor : mutual inhibition of DNA binding due to direct protein-protein interaction. Yang Yen HF;Chambard, J.C.;Sun, Y.L.;Smeal, T.;Schmidt, T.J.;Drouin, J.;Karin, M.
- Cell v.62 Functional antagonism between oncoprotein c-Jun and the glucocorticoid receptor. Schule, R.;Rangarajan, P.;Kliewer, S.;Ransone, L.J.;Bolado, J.;Yang, N.;Verma, I.M.;Evans, R.M.
- Science v.249 Transcription factor interactions : selectors of positive or negative regulation from a single DNA element. Diamond, M.I.;Miner, J.N.;Yoshinaga, S.K.;Yamamoto, K.R.
Mast cell lines produce lymphokines in response to cross linkage of Fc
$\varepsilon$ RI or calcium ionophores. Plaut, M.;Pierce, J.H.;Watson, C.J.;Hanley-Hyde, J.;Nordon, R.P.;Paul, W.E. - J. Exp. Med. v.170 Interleukin 3-dependent and independent mast cells stimulated with IgE and antigen express multiple cytokines. Burd, P.R.;Rogers, H.W.;Gordon, J.R.;Martin, C.A.;Jayaraman, S.;Wilson, S.D.;Dvorak, A.M.;Galli, S.J.;Dorf, M.E.
- Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA v.88 Human dermal mast cells contain and release tumor necrosis factor a which induces endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule 1. Walsh, L.J.;Trinchieri, G.;Waldorf, H.A.;Whitaker, D.;Murphy, G.F.
- Adv. Immunol. v.42 The common mediator of shock, cachexia nad tumor necrosis. Beutler, B.;Cerami, A.
- Nature v.320 Cachectin and tumor necrosis factor as two sides of the same biologic coin. Beutler, B.;Cerami, A.
- Cold spring Harbor Symp. Qunat. Biol. v.51 Tumor necrosis factors : gene structure and biological activities. Goeddel, D.V.;Aggarwal, B.B.;Gray, P.W.;Leung, D.W.;Nedwin, G.E.;Palladino, M.A.;Patton, J.S.;Pennica, D.;Shepard, H.S.M.;Sugarman, B.J.;Wong, G.
- Molecular and Cellular Biology of Cytokines. Neuropeptide modulation of keratinocyte cytokine production. Brown, J.;Perry, P.;Hefeneider, S.H.;Ansel, J.C.;Oppenheim, J.;Powanda, M.;Kruger, M.J.;Dinarello, C.(eds.)
- J. Immunol. v.141 substance P, neurokinin A, and neurokinin B induce generation of IL-1 like activity in P388D1 cells. Kimball, E.S.;Persico, F.J.;Vaught, J.L.
- Science v.241 Effect of neuropeptides on production of inflammatory cytokines by human monocytes. Lotz, M.;Vaughan, J.H.;Carson, D.A.
- J. Immunol. v.131 Specific stimulation of human T lymphocytes by substance P. Payan, D.G.;Brewster, D.R.;Goetz, E.J.
- J. Immunol. v.132 Modulation of immunity and hypersensitivity by sensory neuropeptides. Payan, D.G.;Levine, J.D.;Goetzl, E.J.
- J. Invest. Dermatol. v.88 substanc P induced histamine release in human cutaneous mast cells. Eberz, J.M.;Hirshman, C.A.;Kettlekamp, N.S.;Uno, H.;Hanifin, J.M.
- Am. J. Physiol. v.262 Transcriptional regulation of the endothelin-1 gene by TNF-a. Marsden, P.A.;Brenner, B.M.
- J. Exp. Med. v.162 Cachectin/tumor necrosis factor stimulates collagenase and prostaglandin E2 production by human synovial cells and derman fibroblasts. Dayer, J.M.;Beutler, B.;Cerami, A.