마목(麻木)과 이상감각(異常感覺)과의 연관성에 관한 연구(1)

The Study on Clinical relations of Mamok and Abnormal sensations

  • 고성규 (상지대학교 한의과대학부속병원 심계내과학교실)
  • Ko, Seong-Kyu (Department of Internal Medicine Hospital of Oriental Medicine Sangji University)
  • 발행 : 1997.04.30


The results are as follows. 1. Oriental medical terms which express abnormal sensations are Bulin, Mamok, Mamokbulin. 2. Bulin, Oriental medical terminology, was used from Naegyeong's era to the Song Dynasty era and expressed as one of the symptoms in Jungpung(Stroke), Bi syndrome(Obstruction syndrom of Gi and Hyeol), Wi syndrome(Flaccid paralysis of the limbs), Hyeolbi(One of the Bi syndroms). But since the Keum Dynasty era, Mamok or Mamokbulin were more used than Bulin and that was refered as seperated disease. 3. Ma is paresthesia or dysthesia on the skin and the limbs, and the symtoms are not itchy, patients are felt like insect's crawling or bite. Mok is a stubborn symptom , the patients are felt like tree, which don't know pain and itching sensation. And therefore Ma is similar to positive phenomena and Mok is similar to negative phenomena in clinical aspect. 4. Mamok is GiHyeol(Gi is functional activities, Hyeol is blood) and Gyeonglak(Meridian system)'s disease. It's main causes are Giheo(Deficiency of Gi) and Hyeolhel(dificiency of Blood) and inducing tactors are Pung-Han-Seub(pathogenic wind-cold-dump) and Damtak(Phlegm-turbity), Eohyeol(Stagnated blood). 5. Mamok is induced from mononeuritis, multiple mononeuritis, polyneuropathy in the peripheral nervous lesions and also induced from cervical spondylosis, spinal tumour, multiple sclerosis, cerebrospinal vascular disease in central nervous systems.



  1. 당뇨병학 김응진;이상용;민병석;민헌기;최영길;이태희;허갑범
  2. 生理學(3판) 金正鎭
  3. 內科學 李文鎬;金鐘暉;許仁穆
  4. 신경해부학(Clinical Neuroanatomy for Medical Student(3rd edition) 조사선;차중익;박경한;Richard S. Snell
  5. 神經外科學 大韓神經外科學會
  6. 成人病老人病學 徐舜圭
  7. 精校黃帝內經素問 洪元植
  8. 精校黃帝內經靈樞 洪元植
  9. 壽世保元 龔廷賢
  10. 千金方 孫思邈
  11. 赤水玄珠 孫一奎
  12. 難病源流犀燭(비위전집) 沈金鰲
  13. 證治準繩(醫部全錄 第六冊) 王肯堂
  14. 醫宗金鑑 吳謙
  15. 醫宗必讀(部全錄 第三冊) 李中梓
  16. 醫學入門 李천
  17. 張氏醫通(비위전집) 張로
  18. 儒門事親 張子和
  19. 仲景全書 張仲景
  20. 中藏經(醫部全錄 第六冊) 華陀
  21. Correlative Neuroana-tomy(21st edition) Jack deGroot
  22. Harrison's principles of internal medicine(13th edi.) Neurology and Neurosurgery Illustrated Kenneth W. Lindsay;Ian Bone;Robin Callander;Kurt J Isselbacher;Dugene Braunward;Jean D Wilson;Joseph B Martin;Anthony S Fauci;Dennis L Kasper
  23. Principles of Neurology(5th edition) Raymond D, Adams;Maurice Victor
  24. Cecil Textbook of Medicine(18th edition) Wyngaarden & Smith