- 한국식물병리학회지 v.2 고추탄저병균 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz.의 2계통 김완규;조의규;이은종
- 고추탄저병균(Colletotrichum spp.)의 분류 및 병원성에 관한 연구 오인석
- 한국 식물보호학회지 v.16 Didymella bryoniae(Auersw.) Rehm(오이류 덩굴마름병균) 의 병자각 및 자낭각형성에 미치는 광선 및 배지의 영향 이두형
- 한국 식물병리학회지 v.10 사과에서 부리한 Colletotrichum acutatum, C. gloeosporioides 및 Glomerella cingulata의 병원학적 특징 이두형
- 한국식물병리학회지 v.11 콩, 팥 및 녹두에서 분리한 탄저병원균의 동정과 병원학적 특징 한경숙;이두형
- Phytopathology v.82 Morphological and pathological characteristics of strains of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides from citrus Agostini, J.P.;Timmer, L.W.;Mitchell, D.J.
- Phytopathology v.40 Variability of Glomerella cingulata(Stonem.)S, & v.S. from apples Andes, J.O.;Keitt, G.W.
- Phytopath. z. v.29 Die arten der gattung Colletotrichum Cda Arx, J.A.von.
- Bibliotheca Mycologica v.24 A revision of the fungi classified as Gloeosporium Arx, J.A.von.
- J. Cramer, Vaduz The Genera of Fungi Sporulating in Pure culture Arx, J.A.von.
- Beitrage zur Kryptogamenflora der Schweiz v.11 Die amerosporen Gattungen der Pyrenomyceten Arx. J.A.von.;Muller, E.
- Plant Dis. Species of Colletotrichum and Glomerella pathogenic to tomato fruit Batson, W.E.;Ray, K.W.
- S. Afr. J. Bot. v.2 Morphology and taxonomy of South African isolates of Colletotrichum Baxter, A.P.;Westhuizen, G.C.A.V.;Eicker, A.
- Phytophylactica v.17 A review of literature on the taxonomy, morphology and biology of the fungal genus Colletotrichum Baxter, A.P.;Westhuizen, G.C.A.V.;Eicker, A.
- Plant Dis. v.79 Characteristics of Colletotrichum from peach, apple, pecan and other hosts Bernstein, B.;Zehr, E.I.;Dean, R.A.;Shafi, E.
- J. Agric. Res. v.20 Variations in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Burger, O.F.
- Indian Phytopatholgy v.31 Variation in growth and morphological characters of two isolates of Colletotrichum dematium f. sp. truncata from soybean Chacko, S.;Khare, M.N.;Agrawall, S.C.
- Mycologia v.35 Variations in sporulation of different isolates of Colletotrichum destructivum Chilton, S.J.P.
- Ann. App. Biol. v.6 Glomerella cingulata (stoneman) Spauld. and v. Sch. and its conidial forms, Gloeosporium piperatum E. & E., Colletotrichum nigrum E. and Hals., on chilies and carica papaya Dastur, J.F.
- CMI Description of Pathogenic Fungi and Bateria no.630 Colletotrichum acutatum Dyko, B.J.;Mordue, J.E.M.
- Bot. Gaz. v.45 The physiology and development of more anthracnose Edgerton, C.W.
- Phytopathology v.5 Effect of temperature on Glomerella Edgerton, C.W.
- Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. v.74 Strains of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides on citrus in Belize Fagan, H.J.
- Bothalia v.7 The identify of the fungus causing anthracnose of olives in South Mrica Gorter, G.J.M.A.
- Z. Pflpath. Pflschutz. v.77 Colletotrichum spp. isolated from Coffea arabica L. in Kenya Hindorf, H.
- Plant Dis. v.80 Occurrence of bitter rot on apple in Michigan Jones, A.L.;Ehret, G.R.;Meger, M.P.;Shane, W.W.
- Phytopathology v.38 Anthracnose of tomato Kendrick, J.B.;Walker, J.C.
- Plant Dis. v.67 Cultural characteristics and pathogenicity of Glomerella cingulata isolates from apples in Alabama Latham, A.J.;Williams, J.C.
- Korean J. of Mycology v.10 Morphological and cultural characters of Didymella bryoniae on seeds and culture media Lee, Du-Hyung
- Plant Dis. v.69 Variation of several anthracnose fungi in virulence to strawberry and apple Mass, J.L.;Howard, C.M.
- Soil Diseases(I) Isolation and identification of Fusarium Matuo, T.
- Korean J. Plant Pathol. v.5 Occurrence of red pepper anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum acutatum Simmonds in Korea Park, K.S.;Lee, E.J.
- Kor. J. Plant Pathology v.8 Identification, distribution and etiological characteristics of anthracnose fungi of red pepper in Korea Park, K.S.;Kim, C.H.
- Pl. Dis. Reptr. v.63 Colletotrichum acutatum f. sp. pinea, a new pathogen of Pinus radiata in nurseries in Chile Peredo, H.;Osario, M.;Santamaria, A.
- Plant Protection v.50 Problems of taxonomy and identification of Colletotrichum species Sato, T.
- U. S. Dept. of Agric. Bur. PL. Ind. Bull. no.252 Studies of fungous parasites belonging to the genus Glomerella Shear, C.L.;Wood, A.K.
- Plant Dis. v.80 Frequency of Colletotrichum species causing bitter rot of apple in the southeastern United States Shi, Y.;Correl, J.C.;Guerber, J.C.;Rom, C.R.
- Queensland J. of Agri. and Ani. Sci. v.22 A study of the species of Colletotrichum causing ripe fruit rots in Queensland Simmonds, J.H.
- Trans. Brit. Myco. Soc. v.11 On the occurrence of a species of Colletotrichum Small, W.
- Plant Dis. v.74 Morphological, cultural, and pathogenic variation among Colletotrichum species isolated from strawberry Smith, B.J.;Black, L.L.
- Phytopathology v.37 Advantages of natural media and environments in the culture of fungi Snyder, W.C.;Hansen, H.N.
- Amer. J. Botany v.37 Variability and inheritance in Glomerella cingulata (Stonem.)S. and v. S. from apple Struble, F.B.;Keitt, G.W.
- Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. v.45 Colletotrichum dematium (Pers. ex Fr.)Grove and C. trichellum(Fr.ex Fr.)Duke. Sutton, B.C.
- The Coelomycetes, fungi imperfecti with pycnidia, acervuli and stromata Sutton, B.C.
- The Glomerella and its anamorph Colletotrichum;Colletotrichum, Biology, Pathology and Control Sutton, B.C.Bailey, J.A.(ed.);Feger, M.J.(ed.)
- Plant Dis. Res. v.3 Studies in anthracnose of Japanese apricot(Prunus mume S. et Z.) Tago, K.
- Mycologia v.46 Species of Colletotrichum from legumes Tiffany, L.H.;Gilman, J.C.
- Amer. J. Botany v.39 Genetics of Glomerella cingulata. X. Genes affecting sexual reproduction Wheeler, H.E.;McGahen, J.W.
- Pertanika v.6 Studies of Colletotrichum dematiun f. sp. truncatum on soybean Wong, C.F.J.;Nik, W.Z.;Lim, T.K.