The purpose of this study was to identify physical. psychological. sexual and socio-cultural problems that the adolescents have experienced and to assess the demands of counseling about the experienced problems. The design of this study was descriptive-survery study. The sample size was 601 middle and high school students. Data analysis was done by frequencies. Percent. t -test. ANOVA. Pearson correlation coefficiency, stepwise regression and Cronbach's $\alpha$ Score was produced for the reliability of the tool by using the item analysis method. The results was as follows : 1. The distribution of the each item that the adolescents experienced according to the physical, psychalogical. Sexual and Socio-cultural problem Categories was examined. In the physical problem category, the number of items that half and more than half of the adolescents experienced of often or frequently were 10 among all 19 items. In the psychological problem category. 13 item were among all 19 items. In the sexual problem category, 1 item among all 17 items and in the socio-cultural problem category, 10 items were among all 30 items. 2. The distribution of the each items that the adolescents wanted to the counseling according to the physical. psychological. sexual and socio-cultural problem categories was examined. In the physical problem category, the numbers of the items that half and more than half of the adolescents wanted counseling were 1 among all 19 items. In the psychological problem category, the numbers of the items that half and more than half of the adolescents wanted counseling were 2 items among all 19 items. In the sexual problem category, 0 item among all 17 items and in the socio-cultural problem category, 2 items were among all 30 items. 3. In the comparison of the female student and male student about the experienced problems and the demands of counseling according to the physical. psychological. sexual and socio-cultural problem categories. There was a significant difference statistically in all categories between groups(P<.001) 4. In the comparison of high school students and middle school students about the demands of counseling according to the physical. psychological. sexual and socio-cultural problem categories(P<.001). Particulary, grade II of high school students have experienced problems according to the physical. psychological. sexual and socio-cultural problem categories. There was a significant difference statistically in all categories(P<.001). 5. In the correlation between the experienced problem and the demands of counseling according to 4 categories. there was the positive correlation at P<.001 level. 6. The less the satisfaction for family and school life. the more experienced problems according to the physical. psychological. sexual and socio-cultural problem categories. There was a significant difference statistically in all categories(P<.001).