간호진단 한글 표준화에 대한 연구

  • Choi, Young-Hee ;
  • Rhee, Hyang-Yun (School of Physics Soul National University) ;
  • Kim, Hea-Sook ;
  • Kim, So-Sun (Department of Nursing, Yonsei University) ;
  • Park, Kwang-Ok (ASAN Medical Center) ;
  • Park, Hyoun-Kyoung
  • 최영희 (이화여대 간호과대학) ;
  • 이향련 (경희대학 간호학과) ;
  • 김혜숙 ;
  • 김소선 (연대 간호대학) ;
  • 박광옥 (아산재단 중앙병원 간호과) ;
  • 박현경
  • Published : 1996.11.01


Nursing Diagnosis has evolved in the guest to define nursing and its functions. But for the application to clinical practice an unified system of terminology that helps nurses to assess selected data and identify potential or actual client problems is required. Consistent terminology that captures the real meanings of the nursing diagnosis makes oral and written communication more accurate and efficient. Therefore,' this study was performed to deliver a Korean-translated version of the nursing diagnoses through the process of content validity tests and translations. Data collection for the first content validity test was done from June 27, 1996 to August 1. 1996. Among 20 questionnaires only 16 were used for analysis. With the results of content validity, the list of 109 nursing diagnoses were reviewed by two linguists, one specialized in Korean and the other in English. To clear confusion on a diagnostic label "Incontinence" a urology specialist was invited for consultation. From this analysis and discussions a total of 98 nursing diagnoses was delivered and quesitons containing 98. 98 diagnoses were mailed to 741 subjects to test content validity from August 13, 1996 to October 7, 1996. Among 741 questionnaires, 343 were used for analysis. Total mean score of the diagnoses was 4.30 on the 5 point likert scale. The diagnoses that acquired less than 3.50 were "High risk for altered body temperature"(3.34), "Ineffective thermoregulation" (3.34), "Perceived cosntipation"(3.24). "Stress incontinence"(3.42), "Ineffective airway clearance"(3. 48), "Altered sexuality patterns"(3.35).
