조립 제품의 순환형 생산시스템 해석

Analysis of Recycle Manufacturing Systems of Assemble Products

  • 투고 : 19960100
  • 발행 : 1996.09.30


Modern society, as a result of high industrial technology, is characterized by a series of mass production, moss consumption and mass disposal. As the mass disposal is known as the major culprit of destroying ecological system of our environment, human prosperity is in turn threatened by this indiscrete activities. Under current industrial technology which pursuit maximum profit, environmental problems could not be solved. This paper proposes recycle manufacturing systems of assemble products as a measure of current non-recycle manufacturing systems. Products are also composed of a number of ports. All parts are represented by a function of time cost performance variable as reuse level. We develop on information systems which give all the information on reused and recycled parts. We try to implement this result on a real fields. We confide ourselves to the contribution to on effective solution of environmental problems and to give profit to assembly manufacturing and consumers.
