기어날끝의 표면마무리에 대한 품질검사시스템

An Automated System for Inspecting Surface Finishes of Gear Teeth

  • 김성준 (강릉대학교 산업공학과) ;
  • 임준묵 (강릉대학교 산업공학과)
  • 발행 : 1996.07.31


This paper presents an automated system for inspecting surface finish quality of gear teeth. The purpose of the presented system is to improve both efficiency and reliability of a gear inspection process with a lower cost. The system consists of two modules; one is for data collection and the other for data analysis. While and A/D converter is built in a PC to efficiently obtain digitized data, a window-based software for conducting quality tests is provided using VISUAL BASIC as well as C++. We successfully connect them with the existing gear tester. This system would be also useful for the gear quality improvement by means of a continuous data management.
