여러종류의 문제에 대한 집단의사결정단계에서의 GDSS 활용

The Application of GDSS at Group Decision Stages for Various Task Types

  • 손달호 (계명대학교 경영정보학과)
  • 투고 : 19960500
  • 발행 : 1996.11.30


This paper introduced a procedure for improving the quality of group decision making in various task types. Emphasis is placed on the construction of the optimal GDSS(Group Decision Support System) design with identifying the group decision characteristics of decision stages on the various task types. Especially, the identification of outliers and the establishment of confidence limits in group decision making were stressed. Participants in group decision making whose 'opinions fall outside the group's tolerance level are further studied to annex the source of this variation. The result showed that a preparation stage in the generating idea-type task and a illumination stage in the negotiating-type task were critical. Furthermore, the degree of the disagreement was severe in the verification and the preparation stages on group decision making. This paper developed a general procedure for improving the quality of group decision making. The procedure presented helps in identifying those stakeholders whose opinions may significantly deviate from that of the group.
