워크플로 분석/설계를 위한 확장 트리거 모델링: 전화국 사례

Extended Trigger Modelling for the Workflow Analysis and Design: Case of Telecommunication Company

  • 한동일 (중앙대학교 산업정보학과) ;
  • 박세권 (중앙대학교 산업정보학과)
  • 발행 : 1996.11.30


Most of business enterprises today struggle with the coordination of work which is one of the most challenging problems in the business environment. And the situation becomes worse by the increasing complexity and uncertainty. In this paper, suitability of workflow technology for the modelling, optimization, and automation in the complex business structures is discussed. Also, in the abscence of a fully fledged method for analysis and design of workflow systems, this paper proposes a method, ETM(Extended Trigger Modelling), which can solve several problems in other methods. The proposed ETM approach consists of three stages such as situation analysis stage, activity coordination stage and implementation preparation stage. A modelling case of the proposed procedure is also presented.
