Korean Journal of Ichthyology (한국어류학회지)
- Volume 8 Issue 1
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- Pages.83-89
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- 1996
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- 1225-8598(pISSN)
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- 2288-3371(eISSN)
Early Life History of Korean Bullhead, Pseudobagrus fulvidraco( Pisces, Bagridae ), from Korea
동자개 Pseudobagurs fulvicraco(Pisces, Bagridae)의 초기생활사
- Kang, Eon-Jong (Chinhae Inland Fisheries Research Institute) ;
- Lee, Cheol-Ho (Chinhae Inland Fisheries Research Institute)
- Published : 1996.06.30
The early life history of Korean bullhead, Pseudobagrus fulvidraco was studied to obtain some information required in aquaculture and reinforcement of natural population. The fertilized eggs were almost spherical in shape and demersal. The egg membranes were transparent with minute folds on the surface, causing them to stick to other substrates. Yolk is yellowish without oil droplets. The eggs just after fertilization were measuring
동자개 P. fulvidraco의 양식 및 자원 증강에 관한 기초 자료를 얻고자 초기 생활사에 대한실험을 수행 한 결과 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 수정난은 구형에 가까운 분리침성난으로 난막은 투명하고 난 표면에는 미세한 주름무늬의 점액층이 있어 쉽게 다른 물체에 부착되며, 난황은 연노랑색으로 유구는 없다. 수정 직후의 난경은