Supported by : 문교부
The Yucheon Bi deposits at Cheongha, Gyeongsangbugdo, is of a middle Paleogene (49 Ma) vein type, and is hosted in sandstone and shale of Banyawal formation in Cretaceous age. Based on mineral paragenesis, vein structure and mineral assemblages, two minera1ization stages were distinguished. The stage I consists of quartz with small amount of chlorite, pyrite, epidote, hal1oysite, vermiculite, serpentine and rutile associated with sericitization. The stage II is characterized by Bi minera1ization such as bismuthinite, Bi-Cu-Pb-S mineral, tetradymite, native gold, pyrite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, wolframite, rutile, hematite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena with alteration of sericite, chlorite, K-feldspar, albite and epidote. Fluid inclusion data indicate that fluid temperature and NaCl equivalent wt.% salinity range from 431 to
Supported by : 문교부