대형 민간병원의 사례분석에 의한 사용자별 면적배분 현황에 대한 연구

A research on User-focused Space analysis of representing large Corporate hospitals

  • 발행 : 1996.07.31


Design scheme drawings of the two major corporate hospitals - Asan Medical Center and Samsung Medical Center - are analysed in the aspect of floor area distributions and their proportions for various users and user-functions. Primary users of hospitals are categorized into three ; patients, employees and others. Then, patient spaces are subdivided into patient private, patient/medical, patient/support staff, patient/nursing, patient/guardian, patient common ; employee spaces into doctors, trainees, doctors common, nurses, support staffs, non-medical staffs, employee common ; others spaces into subcontractors, general publics, non-living, and internal circulation. The purpose of this research is to develop a user-focused insight into hospital spaces and a new method of hospital programming and design.
