A Study of Unregistered Manufacturing Plants: Their Problems and Alternative Policies

首都圈 無登錄工場 問題와 對策에 관한 硏究

  • Hwang, Man-Ik (Dept. of Geography Education, Seoul National University)
  • 황만익 (서울대학교 사범대학 지리교육과)
  • Published : 1996.09.01


The purpose of this study is to examine the increasing number of unregistered manufacturing plants and related problems, and to recommend alternative solutions to the problems. Data are obtained from a field survey of randomly selected small scale manufacturing plants in Seoul and its suburban cities. A total number or respondents are 533, and 416 of them are unregistered plants. The Capital Regional Planning has had a goal during last three decades to lead a balanced regional economic development by restriction manufacturing plants in the Capital Region and by encouraging them in other regions in the nation. It was 1984 when a comprehensive planning was established to achieve this goal. Sets of various regulations, by-laws and codes have been implemented to regulate manu-facturing activities in the Capital Region to achieve the goal. The region is divided into three sub-regions, and a different degree of regulations is applied to each sub-region. Only a certain types of industries are allowed in a particular sub-region. For instance, a plant manufacturing high-technology products could be allowed in the most urbanized sub-region. All manu-facturing plant in the Capital Region which has ares size of larger than 200"\;"$m^2$ is compulsory to register to the local government office. In practice, however, it is not common or sometimes almost impossible to get approval for many applicant manufacturers because of strict regulations. There have been increasing number of plants in the Capital Region during last several decades, despite the strict regulations. Many of those newly established plants are without formal registration at the local administration office. howerver. These are so called 'unregisterd' plants. Surveyed data and many government official data show that many of unregistered plants have been established in recent years. which indicate that current regulations are no longer effective. The number of unregistered plants are increasing tin the Capital Region because of many locational advantages in the region for plants, particularly those in small scale. Unregistered plants are the source of many problems, such as local water pollution or noise pollution in residential areas. There are also many administration problems, bed\cause they are not registered. The central government has attempted to cure the problems of unregistered plants. For example, the government allowed a unregistered plant to remain at present site for three ydars, if it met certain conditions in three years. However, this program was unsuccessful because many of those plants were not able to meet the concitions. Three times the government renewed the term for those which did not meet conditions since 1989, but it was afraid to be without success. There are many evidences that current policies to control manufacturing plants are not effective. The Capital Region must face mounting problems if ploicies are not reformed soon. This study suggests that the policy of the Capital Regional Planning has to be reoriented to provide more favorable policies for manufacturing plants in the Capital Region than current regulations which is aimed to restrict manufacturing activities. It is time to improve many existing problems in the region through reforms and of current regulations to foster unregistered plants. This study also proposes many smaller-area sub-divisions instead of current three large area sub-regions which is too broad to apply single kind of regulation, or codes. Flexible regulations and codes can be applied to such a small-area sub-divivisions based on location and industrial characteristics of the individual sub-divisions. It is necessary to provide decent industrial environment in the Capital Region, which is best equipped to provide many favorable industrial locational factors in the nation, thus this nation can be further prepared to compete in an inter-national market at an era of globalization in manufacturing.

이 연구는 수도권 무등록공장 문제를 분석하고 이 문제를 줄일 수 있는 개선안을 모색하고자 한 것이다. 최근에도 무등록공장이 계속 증가하고 있는 것은 현행 수도권정비정책이 이들의 입지적 및 현실적 특성을 고려하지 않은데에 있다. 지금까지의 규제중심에서 규제완화, 지원중심의 시책을 강조하고, 현행과 같은 넓은지역에 획일적인 규제보다는 다수의 소구역을 설정하여 지역적 특성과 업종의 특성에 따라 다양한 규제방안을 도입할 것을 제안한다. 대도시에 공장과 환경오염 배출을 허용하자는 것이 아니라 현행 제도에서는 무등록공장의 환경오염을 방치하고 있으므로 환경문제관리를 제도적으로 할 수 있게 해야한다. 국제경쟁이 심해지는 오늘날 수도권이 갖고 있는 최적의 산업입지 조건을 가장 효율적으로 활용할 수 있는 공업 진흥정책이 시급하다.
