This work describes studies aimed at the synthesis of simple analogs of antibiotic tetracycline(TC) and flavonoid. The synthesis of proposed analogs of tetracycline and flavonide has been accomplished from readily available compounds 9 and 15. The 1,3-cyclohexanedione derivative 9 was transformed to the benzoate derivative 12 followed by base-mediated intramolecular benzoylation to give the bicyclic TC-analog 13. The bicyclic TC-analog 25 and the flavonoid-analogs 26 and 27 have been prepared from the quinol derivative 15.
항생물질 tetracycline(TC)과 여러 가지 다양한 활성도를 보이는 flavonoid화합물들의 단순유도체들(13, 25, 26, 27)을 새로운 벙법으로 합성하였다, 먼저, 1,3-cyclohexanedione 유도체로부터 분자내 benzoyl group의 이동 반응을 이용하여 TC의 A, D ring이 유사한 bicyclic compound 13를 합성하였고, 0-methoxy benzaldehyde로부터 TC의 A, C ring이 유사한 bicyclic compound, 25와 chromone을 모핵으로 하는 flavonoid유도체, 26과 27을 합성하였다.