Lesson Plan Development for the Unit of “Human Development and Family Relationship” Based on Thelen’s Group Investigation Model

중학교 가정과 교수-학습 방법의 개선을 위한 집단탐구 수업모형의 적용연구 -"가족에 대한 이해"단원을 중심으로-

  • 남현주 (이화여자대학교 교육대학원) ;
  • 유태명 (경상대학교 가정교육과)
  • Published : 1996.12.01


This study was to develop and to suggest a lesson plan for the area of‘Human Development and Family Relationship’in home economics for junior high school, based on Thelen’s Group Investigation Model’. Group investigation model by Thelen was developed from the theory that the education with special purpose such as societic knowledge is a method to lesson one’s conflict. This study further developed from three main concepts: inquiry, knowledge and activities of learning groups. This model can be used for any age and any subjects in order to solve the arised problems, rather than to accept pre-organized and pre-decided informations. This study is organized around activities for seeking and practicing the rages of action to create dispersal home. First, one unit ‘Understanding of Family’was chosen that concerns and suitable for group investigation model. Second, From the chosen chapter and problem were analyzed organized. Third, the chosen problem were re-analyzed, then a model lesson for group investigation was proposed.



  1. 중학교 교육과정 해설 교육부
  2. 제6차 교육과정 개편에 따른 중학교 가정과 교육과정 해설 교학사
  3. 교수학습의 이론과 실제 김종석(외)
  4. 수업모형의 적용기술 박성익;권낙원(편역)
  5. 한국교원대학교 사회과교육 석사학위논문 탐구이론에 따른 수업이 사회과 기능발달에 미치는 영향 유제경
  6. 수업모형 윤기옥;송용의;김재복
  7. 사회과 교수법 이태근
  8. 충남대학교 교육대학원 석사학위논문 Thelen의 집단탐구 수업 모형에 의한 수업이 민주주의의 의식 변화에 미치는 영향 이한규
  9. 탐구수업 정세구
  10. 중앙일보 7월 27일자 16면 日 신종대여업 번창 중앙일보
  11. 중학교 가정3 교사용 지도서 최영희
  12. What is home economics edcation? Brown,M.M.
  13. A Practical guide to Program planning : A teaching models approach Bank,A.;M.E.Henerson
  14. Teaching home economics Hall,O.A.;Paolucci,B.
  15. Inguiry in social studies Massialas,B.G.;Cox,C.B.
  16. Education and the human quest Thelen,H.A.