A comparative study on the characteristics of the evaluation techniques for industrial design proposals

산업 디자인 평가방법의 특성 비교연구

  • 우흥룡 (서울산업대학교 공업디자인 학과)
  • 발행 : 1996.10.01


, \l!ernatives in multi dimensional decision prohlems generally possess numerous attrihutes by which they can be describ('d and compared, The ('\';dllation factors include all attributes that have Ic\'(']s specified by quantitative and qualitativc objectil'l'S, Howev'('f since qualitative factors arc difficul! to quantify as num('ral estimates, these factors have tended to bl' ignored without regard for their importance to human contrnl. In this study, the author adapted :j ('va]uation methods with critrria which have qualitative and qualitative attributes: the Intuitive Evaluation ~1cthods the Accumulativc' Evaluation Model the Benchmarking Evaluation Methods, and studied the corrC'iation between them, The results show that Ill(' :j Mrthods have reciprocal relationships under reliability (r=O, (XX)]] In order to removl' obstacles of desi!;n ev'aluation ( lots of timl' l'llnsumption, constr;lints of placc" difficulties of hu!;!' data procc'ssin!;), it is necessary to be developed a new ('va]uation syst('rn which could prov'idc' effective rat in!; of desi!;n v'alm's 10 make value judw'rnents, , \l!ernatives in multi dimensional decision prohlems generally possess numerous attrihutes by which they can be describ('d and compared, The ('\';dllation factors include all attributes that have Ic\'(']s specified by quantitative and qualitativc objectil'l'S, Howev'('f since qualitative factors arc difficul! to quantify as num('ral estimates, these factors have tended to bl' ignored without regard for their importance to human contrnl. In this study, the author adapted :j ('va]uation methods with critrria which have qualitative and qualitative attributes: the Intuitive Evaluation ~1cthods the Accumulativc' Evaluation Model the Benchmarking Evaluation Methods, and studied the corrC'iation between them, The results show that Ill(' :j Mrthods have reciprocal relationships under reliability (r=O, (XX)]] In order to removl' obstacles of desi!;n ev'aluation ( lots of timl' l'llnsumption, constr;lints of placc" difficulties of hu!;!' data procc'ssin!;), it is necessary to be developed a new ('va]uation syst('rn which could prov'idc' effective rat in!; of desi!;n v'alm's 10 make value judw'rnents,alm's 10 make value judw'rnents,
