부산시 대기오염방지를 위한 수리계획법

Mathematical Programming for Air Pollution Control in Pusan

  • 이창효 (부산여자대학교 경영학과)
  • 발행 : 1996.04.01


This study was performed to find the most desirable emission reduction for each mobile source pollutant and the optimal control strategy at a given level of expenditures in Pusan City in 2000 by using the interactive s-constraint method developed by Chang-Hyo Lee and Hyung-Wook Kim, which isone of the mathematical programming models. The most desirable emission reduction is 7093 ton/year for particulate (TSP), 4871 ton/year for NOx, 5148 ton/year for HC and 36779 ton/year for CO. The optimal control strategy is as follows; 1. As to passenger car and taxi, limiting VKT (vehicle kilometers travelled) in congested areas will be necessary. In addition to this, improving vehicie inspection Program should be enforced. 2. As to small-gasoline bus, traffic adaptive control system will be necessary. 3. As to small-diesel bus, non-adjustable engine parameters will have to be applied. .4. As to heal bus and heart truck, catalytic trap oxidizer and limiting VKT in congested areas will do necessary. 5. As to motorcycle, 2-cycle motorcycles should be converted to 4-cycle motorcycles.



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