3세대 모녀간의 애착.자율성 발달특성과 심리적 적응

Three generations of mothers and daughters: attachment patterns and psychological well-being

  • 유은희 (한국가족상담·교육연구소)
  • 발행 : 1996.12.01


This research applied an attachment theory to the study of three generations of women. Questionnaire and semistructured interview techniques were employed to collect the data on intergenerational mother-daughter relationships from 140 triads of adolescent daughters middle-aged mothers an old-aged grandmothers. The focus of the study had been on the characteristics of attachment patterns which is measured by sense of attachment and autonomy across and within generations and their effects on personal well-being. Women in each their three generations perceived a high and seminilar level of attachment across and within the generations. On the other hand the level of autonomy differed by the generations with middle-aged mothers showing a higher level of perceived sense of autonomy than other two generations. Although the levels of attachment and autonomy were related to psychological well-being the level of autonomy was slightly more related to it. The results also showed that not nly one's own attachment toward mother/daughter but attachment of others toward herself were associated with the personal well-being. Overall this study reflects and supports the basis concepts of mother-daughter attachment: its continuity reciprocity and personal development in adulthood.



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