The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of children's role play by animatino on self-concept formation, The subjects of this study were 20 children of a kindergarten located in Gunpo City. the mean age were 5.5 years. Children were assigned to the study group and the control group. The children in the study group had role play of which the main themes were positive self-comcept formation but the children in control group did not have any role play by animation. The result showed 1. Role play by animation influenced on children's positive self-concept. 2. There was a difference in self-concept test score: The self-image attitude to the kindergatrten and attitude to the group of peer. Role play by animation influenced on the self-image and attitude to the group of peer. But attitude to the Kindergarten score was not increased significantly. 3. Role play by animation influenced on chikren's catharsis of emotion.