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- 노년학 김태현
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- 동국대학교 박사학위 논문 노후적응에 관한 연구 서병숙
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- 가계경제학 이승신;김기옥;김경자;심영;정순희
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- 한국노인의 생활과 의식구조 한국갤럽조사연구소
- Social Indicators Research v.12 Objective and subjective income adequacy:their relationship to perceived life quality measures Ackerman, N.;Paolucci, B.
- Social indicators of well-being Andrews, F.M.;Withey, S.B.
- Dissertation Abstracts International v.37 no.9B Relationship of retirement and satisfaction with life events to locus of control Baker, E.K.
- Handbook of aging and social Science Generation and intergenerational relations Bengtson, V.L.;Cultler, N.E.;R. Binstock(ed.);E. Shanas(ed.)
- Research instruments in social gerontology Vol.2 Parent child relations Bengtson, V.L.;Schrader, S.S.;D. Mangen(Ed.);W.A. Eterson(ed.)
- The making and breaking of affectional bonds Bowlby J.
- Russell Sage Foundation The quality of American life Campbell, A.;Converse, P.E.;Rodgers, W.L.
- Journal of Gerontology v.35 no.1 Relationship of family background variables to locus of control in the elderly Cicirelli, V.G.
- Social stress and family Contribution of personality research to an understanding of stress and aging Costs, P.T.;McCrae, R.R.;H.I. McCubbin(ed.);M.B. Sussman(ed.);J.M. Patterson(ed.)
- Proceeding of the 1991 Annual Conference of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Eduation The role of perception in the intention to change the family situation Danes, S.M.;Rettig, K.D.;Bauer, J.W.;S.M. Danes(ed.)
- Psychological Bulletin v.95 Subjective well-being Diener, E.
- Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Missouri Household production as a determinant of satisfaction with economic circumstances Dillard, B.L.
- Research v.16 no.3 Structural influence on the relationship between objective and subjective indicators Fletcher, C.N.;Lorenz. F.D.
- Ph.D. Dissertation. Purdue University Factors related to the economic well-being of the family Fowler, E.S.
- Dissertation Abstracts International v.37 no.5B Psychological and social predictors of locus of control among middle aged adults Kivett V.A.
- Journal of Gerontology v.41 no.5 Stress and coping: Reconceptualizing the role of Locus of control beliefs Krause, N.
- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Locus of control Lefcourt, H.M.
- Journal of Gerontology v.36 no.1 Sex differences in life satisfaction among the elderly Liang, J.
- Journal of Gerontology v.34 Relative deprivation and perception of financial adequacy among the aged Liang, J.;Fairchild, T.J.
- Journal of Gerontology v.35 no.3 Financial well-being among the aged:A Further elaboration Liang, J.;Kahana, E.;Doherty, E.
- Journal of Gerontology v.37 no.6 Self-conception and life satisfaction:integration aged subculture and activity theory Mcclelland, K.A.
- Journal of Gerontology v.31 Satisfaction with life among persons sity five years and older:A causal model Medley, M.
- Family Relations v.37 no.1 Rural and urban elderly: Differences in the quality of the parent-child relationship Mercier, J.M.;Paulson, L.;Morris, E.W.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.39 The family and friends of rural aged as a natural support system Mercier, J.M.;Powers, E.A.
- Proceedings of the Family Economics-Home Management Section of the American Home Economics Association. DC Satisfactionwith consumption as influenced by perceived control and family economic activities Ness, A.J.;Williams, F.L.;J.W. Bauer(ed.)
- Family Process v.18 Circumplex model of marital and family system, cohesion and adapability demensions, family types and clinical application Olson, D.;Sprenkle, H.;Russel, C.S.
- Journal of Gerontology v.34 no.16 Stress and adaptation in later life Palmore, E.
- Journal of Health and Social Behavior Health and social factors related to life satisfaction Palmore, E.;Luikart, C.
- The Economics of welfare(4th ed.) Pigou, A.C.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.45 Personal and family adjustment in later life Quinn, W.H.
- Psychological Monographs v.80 Generalized expectancies for internal versus control of reinforcement Rotter, J.B.
- Unpublished Master thesis, Iowa State University Patterns of social interaction among rural elderly widows and their adult children Solomon, G.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.42 Older Families: A decade review Streib, G.F.;Beck, R.W.
- Family ecomic behavior: Problems and perspects Economic life-styles, values, and subjective welfare an empirical approach Strumpel, B.;E.B. Sheldon(ed.)
- Journal of Family and Economic Issues v.14 no.4 The Effects of perceived locus of control and perceived income adequacy on satisfaction with financial status of rural households Sumarwan U.;Hira;T.K.
- Journal of Economic Psychology v.1 Economic psychology Van Raaij, W.F.
- Journal of Family and Economic Issues v.14 no.3 Financial Manager's perception of rural household economic well-being: Development and testing of a Composite measure Walson, C.O.;Fitzsimmons, V.S.
- The American Economic Review v.52 Welfare criteria and changing tests Weckstein, H.
- Home Economics Research Journal v.4 no.3 Financial problems of urban families Williams, F.L.;Nall, M.;Deck, P.Z.
- Family Strengths v.5 The assessment of subjective change in family financial well-being Winter, M.;Bivens, G.E.;Morris, E.W.
- Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology v.43 no.2 Positive adjustment and involvement during aging and expectancy for internal control Wolk, S.;Kurtz, J.
- Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. University of Illnois Determinants of the wife's perception of economic well-being among disadvantaged families Yuen, J.C.
- International Journal of Aging and Human Development v.16 Correlates of changes in desired control scores and in life satisfaction scores among elderly persons Ziegler, M.;Reid, D.W.