- 숙명여자대학교 대학원 박사학위논문 아동의 사회적 지지와 부적응과의 관계 김명숙
- 숙명여자대학교 대학원 석사학위논문 사회조직망내의 대인관계에 대한 아동의 지각 김수민
- 고려대학교 박사학위논문 부모의 언어통제유형과 아동의 사회적 능력과의 관계 노명희
- 고려대학교 박사학위논문 부모의 언어통제유형과 아동의 사회적 능력과의 관계 이경희
- 한국가정관리학회지 v.13 no.4 사회적 지지체계에 따른 아동의 사회적 능력 이숙;최진아;이춘아
- 서울대학교 대학원 박사학위논문 아동의 스트레스 및 사회적 지지 지각과 행동문제 한미현
- Child Development v.61 Intimacy of friendship, interpersonal competence and adjustment during preadolescence and adolescence Buhrmester D.
- American Journal of Community Psychology v.10 Social support in high risk adolescents:Structural components and adaptive impact Cauce, A.M.;Felner, R.D.;Primavera, J.;Ginter, M.A.
- Social support: An interactional view Social support in young children:Measurement, structure, and behavioral impact Cauce, A.M.;Reid, M.;Landesman, S.;Gonzales, N.;B.R. Sarason(ed.);G.R. Pierece(ed.)
- Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Loyola University of Chiacago Relations between self-esteem and social support in physically disabled and ablebodied adolescents Cherry, D.B.
- Unpublished master's thesis. University of Wisconsin-Madison A Cross-cultural study of the effects of paternal involvement on children;s perception of social support. Cho, E.Y.
- Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the society for research in child development Dimension of the mother-child relationship as predictions of social competence Christopoulos, C.;Dell, S.B.
- Developmental Psychology v.27 no.4 Costa Rican children's perceptions of their social networks DeRosier, M.E.;Kupersmidt, J.B.
- Journal of Clinical Child Psychology v.18 no.1 Assessing social support in elementary school children:The survey of children's social support Dubow, E.F.;Ullman, D.G.
- Sex Roles v.24 no.7/8 The transition from middle childhood to early adolescence: Sex differences in the social network and perceived self-competence Feiring, C.;Lewis M.
- Journal of Youth and Adolescence v.23 no.1 Preadolescent peer friendships:A critical contribution to adult social relateness? Fullerton, C.S.;Ursano, R.J.
- Developmental Psychology v.21 no.6 Children's perceptions of the personal relationships in their social networks Furman, W.;Buhrmester, D.
- Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological association Impact of family support systems on children's academic social functioning after parental divorce Guidubaldi, J.;Cleminshaw, H.
- Child Study Journal v.17 Peer interaction and the development of social competence Hatch, J.A.
- Journal of Abnormal Psychology v.94 Social networks and developmental psychopathology:A comparison of adolescent children of depressed, arthritic or normal parents Hirsch, B.J.;Reischl, T.M.
- Journal of Youth and Adolescence v.22 Moderating effects of adolescent social orientation on the relation between social support and self-esteem Hoffman, M.L.;Levy-Shiff, R.;Ushpiz, V.
- Developmental Psychology v.18 Changes in function of three relations during adolescence Hunter, F.T.;Youniss, J.
- Paper presented at the multicultural meeting of the society ofr research in child devlopment Stressful life events, social support, and achievement:A study of three grade levels in multicultural environment Levitt, M.J.;Guacci, N.;Levitt, J.L.
- ED 360 075 Social support and school agjustment in Japamese elementory school children Kojima, H.;Miyakawa, J.
- Unpublished doctoral dissertation. The Pennsylvania State Univ. Martial status and social support in relation to children's self-esteem Read, N.O.
- Child Development v.60 My family and friends: Six to twelve year old chilfren's perceptions of social support Reid, M.;Landesman, S.;Treder, R.;Jaccard, J.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.44 no.1 Assessing social support: The social support questionnaire Sarason, I.G.;Levine, H.M;Basham, R.B.;Sarason, B.R.
- Paper presented at the annual meeting of the western psychological association Parental attachment, social support, and current life satisfaction Schmaling, K.B.;Sarason, I.G.;Sarason, B.R.;Basham, R.B.
- Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Rutgers the state University of New Jersey Social problem-solving, social support and adjustment during the middle school transition year Ubriaco, M.