선박용 GPS-Compass 구현을 위한 GPS 오차패턴 분석에 대한 연구

A study in the Analysis of the GPS Error Pattern for the Realization of the Ship's GPS-Compass

  • 심영호 (정회원, 군사과학대학원 해양공학과) ;
  • 임정빈 (정회원 해군사관학교 항해학과) ;
  • 임봉택 (정회원, 해군사관학교 항해학과) ;
  • 고광섭 (정회원, 해군사관학교 항해학과)
  • 발행 : 1996.04.01


The main information for a marine navigation is ship's bearing obtained from Gyro, Gyrocompass, Magneticcompass and electronic navigation systems such as LORAN, OMEGA and GPS. However, some of these systems have a disadvantage or restricted conditon involved critical problems in a war-ship and weapon system. In the work, we have done the basic resrarch, analysis of error pattern for GPS, for the development of the ship's seondary bearing sensor (GPS-Compass) to provide the back-up system of Gyro/Gyrocompass and a substitution way of Magneticcompass.
