A study on the design of a K-band harmonic oscillator using voltage controlled dielectric resonance

전압제어 유전체공진을 이용한 K-대역 발진기 설계에 관한 연구

  • Published : 1996.12.01


In this paper a K-band harmonic oscillator competitive to ordinary Push-Push type oscillators is introduced. This oscillator is composed of two-X-band dielectric resonance circuits. To favor its harmonic generation, the load effect and the bias effect are studied to allow the maximum harmonic distortion. As results, the dielectric resonated load and the class A bias are used for the 2nd harmonic generation. analytical study for modelling of voltage controlled dielectric resonator is carried out with theoretical background. The performance of the circuit is evaluated by simulation using harmonic balanced method. The novel structure has ont only a voltage tuning circuit but also an output port at fundamental frequency as the function of prescaler for phase lockede loop application on the just single oscillation structure. In experimentation, the output freqneyc of the 2nd harmonic signal is 20.5GHz and the maximum power level of output is +5.5dBm without additional post amplifiers. the harmonic oscillator exhibits -30dBc of high fundamental frequency rejection without added extra filters. The phase noise of -90dBc/Hz at 100kHz off-carrier has been achieved under free running condition, that satisfies phase noise requirement of IESS 308. The proposed oscillator may be utilized as the clean and stable fixed local oscillator in Transmit Block Upconvertor(TBU) or Low oise Block downconvertor(LNB) for K/Ka-band digital communications and satellite broadcastings.
