The effectof the multiple nakagami faded AMPS interferers on the capacity of the imperfect power controlled DS/CDMA system

다수의 나카가미(nakagami) 페이딩을 받은 AMPS 간섭파가 불완전 전력제어된 DS/CDMA 시스템의 용량에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 1996.12.01


We analyze the capacity of the imperfect power controlled DS/CDMA system with the Nakagami faded AMPS interferers by means of the analytical approach. Unlike the theoretical aassumption, the power control of the DS/CDMA system is not perfect. Therefore in this analysis we consider various parameters which cause the capacityreduction of the DS/CDMA system, the imperfect power control, the Nakagami fading index, he processing gain, and the number of AMPS interferers. The analytical results are compared with the Prasad's results which are considered only the imperfect power control of the DS/CDMA system. It is shown that the DS/CDMA capacity is decreased according to the increase of the deviation of the imperfect power control, to icrease the number pf the analog interfering users, and to decrease the processing gain.
