Charge-pump 위상 동기 회로의 과부하에 대한 정확한 해석

Exact analysis for overload of a charge-pump phase-locked loop

  • 발행 : 1996.12.01


This paper shows an accurate charge-pump PLL model which considers the wave-form distortion in high speed operation of charge-pump PLL, the leakage current in loop filter, and a physical limit in charge-pump. With proposed model of charge-pump PLL, overload and stability are derived theoretically and the results are compared to the conventional model. Unlike the ideal charge-pump PLL that simplifies calculations, it is possible to analyze the transient-state and the steady-state at the same time with proposed accurate model. Thus, charge-pump over load, in the transient-state and the stead-state of charge-pump, is accuragely analyzed and the results are confirmed with simulation.
