Linked-list 구조를 갖는 ATM용 공통 버퍼형 메모리 스위치 설계

Design of a shared buffer memory switch with a linked-list architecture for ATM applications

  • 이명희 (충북대학교 정보통신공학과) ;
  • 조경록 (충북대학교 정보통신공학과)
  • 발행 : 1996.11.01


This paper describes the design of AATM switch LIS of shared buffer type with linked-list architecture to control memory access. The proposed switch LSI consists of the buffer memory, controller and FIFO memory blocks and two special circuits to avoid the cell blocking. One of the special circuit is a new address control scheme with linked-list architecture which maintains the address of buffer memory serially ordered from write address to read address. All of the address is linked as chain is operated like a FIFO. The other is slip-flag register it will be hold the address chain when readaddress missed the reading of data. The circuits control the buffer memory efficiently and reduce the cell loss rate. As a result the designed chip operates at 33ns and occupied on 2.7*2.8mm$^{2}$ using CMOS technology.
