DS/SS 시스템을 위한 개선된 결정궤환 구조를 가지는 협대역 간섭신호 제거

NBI Rejection Techniques using Improved Decision Feedback for DS/SS Systems

  • 발행 : 1996.10.01


In this paper, we propsoed the two methods to improve the conventional decision feedback interference canceller in DS/SS communication systems. The data bit is obtained by correlating the PN sequence with the received signals to the present time k, and thus the errors in the reference signal can be reduced by newly deciding all the reference signals with the resultant data bit. Additionally the cancelled signals are computed with less weight for initial reference signals of low processing gain, and highly weighted as the processing gain goes up. the resulting interference canceller outperforms the existing ones. By simulation, we found the proposed algorithm has "2-3 dB" performance gain at BER 10$^{-3}$ compared to the conventional descision feedback algorithm.algorithm.
