Performance Analysis of Handover Control Scheme Considering Handover Duration Time

핸드오버 지속시간을 고려한 핸드오버 제어방식의 성능분석

  • 임석구 (주성전문대학 전자과) ;
  • 장희선 (한국전자통신연구소 이동교환연구실) ;
  • 유재훈 (한국전자통신연구소 이동교환연구실) ;
  • 정대권 (한국항공대학교 항공전자공학과)
  • Published : 1996.10.01


The handover area is the region where a call can be handled by the base stations in any of the adjacent cells, and handover duration time is viewed as the time an mobile station resides inthe handover area. In this paper, analytic model to estimate the distribution function(df) of the handover duration time is proposed. Based on the df of the handover duration time, the simulation and anlytic models for the First Come first Serve(FCFS) scheme are presented, and the simulation results for the Measurement Based Prioritization Scheme(MBPS) are compared with the analytic results of the FCFS handover scheme. Those results show that the MBPS scheme is seen to provide lower handover failures than FCFS queueing with slightly increasing the new call blocking probability.
