다중의 Add-compare-select 모듈을 갖는 병렬 비터비 알고리즘의 메모리 관리 방법

A memory management scheme for parallel viterbi algorithm with multiple add-compare-select modules

  • 지현순 (삼성 데이터 시스템) ;
  • 박동선 (전북대학교 정보통신공학과) ;
  • 송상섭 (전북대학교 전기,전자,제어공학부)
  • 발행 : 1996.08.01


In this paper, a memory organization and its control method are proposed for the implementation of parallel Virterbi decoders. The design is mainly focused on lowering the hardware complexity of a parallel Viterbi decoder which is to reduce the decoding speed. The memories requeired in a Viterbi decoder are the SMM(State Metric Memory) and the TBM(Traceback Memory);the SMM for storing the path metrics of states and the TBM for storing the survial path information. A general parallel Viterbi decoder for high datarate usually consists of multiple ACS (Add-Compare-Select) units and their corresponding memeory modules.for parallel ACS units, SMMs and TBMs are partitioned into smaller independent pairs of memory modules which are separately interleaved to provide the maximum processing speed. In this design SMMs are controlled with addrss generators which can simultaneously compute addresses of the new path metrics. A bit shuffle technique is employed to provide a parallel access to the TBMs to store the survivor path informations from multiple ACS modules.
