물체의 면 반사특성 추정과 측광정합을 이용한 3차원 형상복구

Estimation of surface reflectance properties and 3D shape recovery using photometric matching

  • 김태은 (중앙대학교 전자공학과 대학원) ;
  • 류석현 (중앙대학교 전자공학과 대학원) ;
  • 송호근 (한서대학교 전자계산학과) ;
  • 최종수 (중앙대학교 전자공학과)
  • 발행 : 1996.07.01


In this paper we propose a new method for anlayzing the properties of surface reflectance and reconstructing the shape of object using estimated reflectance parameters. We have investigated the hybrid reflectance surface which has specularreflection and diffuse reflection, which can be explained by Torrance-Sparrow model. Sample sphere made on one maerial is used to estimate the reflectance properties by using LMS algorithm. We can make the reference image which consists of surface normal and brightness value using estimated reflectance parameters, and thenarbitrary shape object made of the same material as sample can be reconstructed by matching with reference image. Photometric matching method proposed in this paper is robust because it mateches object image with the reference imageconsidering its neighbor brightness distribution. Also, in this paper plate diffuse illumination is used to remove intensity disparity with simple scheme. It is expected that the proposed algorithm can be applied to 3D recognition, vision inspection system and other fields.
