A design of floating-point multiplier for superscalar microprocessor

수퍼스칼라 마이크로프로세서용 부동 소수점 승산기의 설계

  • Published : 1996.05.01


This paper presents a pipelined floating point multiplier(FMUL) for superscalar microprocessors that conbines radix-16 recoding scheme based on signed-digit(SD) number system and new rouding and normalization scheme. The new rounding and normalization scheme enable the FMUL to compute sticky bit in parallel with multiple operation and elminate timing delay due to post-normalization. By expoliting SD radix-16 recoding scheme, we can achieves further reduction of silicon area and computation time. The FMUL can execute signle-precision or double-precision floating-point multiply operation through three-stage pipelined datapath and support IEEE standard 754. The algorithm andstructure of the designed multiplier have been successfully verified through Verilog HOL modeling and simulation.
