Multi-level SCPC 시스템에서 링크환경을 고려한 중계기 입력반송파 전력의 최적화

Optimization of input carrier powers considering satellite link environment in the multi-level SCPC systems

  • 김병균 (성균관대학교 전자공학과) ;
  • 최형진 (성균관대학교 전자공학과)
  • 발행 : 1996.05.01


This paper suggests power optimization technique in multi-level SCPC system as a method for efficient utilization of limited satellite power. The power optimization is realized by optimal assignment of satellite input carrier powers considering interference and noise generated in up-link and down-link. The Fletcher-Powell algorithm searching minimum(or maximum) point using gradient information is used to detemine the optimal input carrier powers. To apply Flectcher-Powell algorithm mathematical descriptions and their partial derivatives to interference and nose are presented. Because a target, which should be optimized, is satellite input carrier power, amplitude of each carrier group will be assumed to be an independent variable. The performance criterion for optimal power assignmentis classified into 4 categories with respect to CNR of destination receiver earth station to meet the requirement for various satellite link environment. Simulation results for two-level, four-level and six-level SCPC system are presented.
