ATM 교환기 과부하제어 연구

A study on the overload control of the ATM switching system

  • 발행 : 1996.04.01


In this paper, a new overload control scheme is proposed for a control system in ATM switching system. The proposed control scheme includes a counter that conunts the number of accepted calls and is decreased at cach D time interval. In overload condition of call processor, the control scheme detects over load condition when the counter value reaches a certain threshold value. Under overload condition, processor utilization is measured and the value of the D is updataed according to the difference between measured processor utilization and target utilization. A new call is accepted accepted only if the value of the counter is less than the threshold value. In overflow condition of cell traffic, accept probability of new call is reduced exponetially according to the elapsed time. The results of simulation show that the proposed overload contorl scheme maintains the target utilization very well under the various processor overload conditions and reduces the cell loss probability under the cell overflow conditions.
