슬롯결합 적층 마이크로스트립 배열 안테나 해석

Analysis of aperture coupled stacked microstrip array antenna

  • 발행 : 1996.03.01


In this paper, aperture coupled stacked microstrip array antennas are proposed and their operating characteristics are analyzed based on analytical. In order to evaluate mutual coupling between slot-coupled microstrip patches in finite array, analysis uses the reciprocity theorem and the spectral domain Green's functions for dielectric slab in a moment method solution for the unknown patches and solts current distrbution. By introducing an N-port equivalent network, the impedance matrix of an affay of N-element slot-coupled patches is evaluated directly from its network current matix of order N$^{2}$, and it can be programmed to be run on a PC. Numerical results show mutual coupling, radiation pattern, active reflection coefficient versus scan angle, radiation efficiency and active element gain pattern.



  1. IEEE Antennas Propagat. Mag. v.32 no.1 What's new in antenna? J. R. James
  2. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. v.AP-32 no.1 Microstrip antenna technology K. R. Carver;J. W. Mink
  3. Proc. IEEE v.80 no.1 Microstrip antennas D. M. Pozar
  4. Electron. Lett. v.21 no.2 A microstrip antenna aperture coupled to a microstripline D. M. Pozar
  5. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. v.38 no.8 Design considerations for low sidelobe microstrip arrays D. M. Pozar;B. Kaufman
  6. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. v.37 no.4 Analysis of an infinite phased array of aperture coupled microstrip patches D. M. Pozar
  7. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. v.AP-32 no.10 Analysis of an infinite array rectangular microstrip patches with idealized probe feeds D. M. Pozar;D. H. Schaubert
  8. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. v.AP-34 no.5 Finite Phased arrays of rectangular microstrip patches D. M. Pozar
  9. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. v.AP-33 no.10 Analysis of finite phased arrays of printed dipoles D. M. Pozar
  10. Aperture Antennas and Diffraction Theory E. V. Jull
  11. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. v.37 no.3 Mutual coupling between microstrip dipoles in multielement arrays P. B. Katehi
  12. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. v.AP-35 no.2 A generalized method for the evaluation of mutual coupling in microstrip arrays P. B. Katehi
  13. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. v.40 no.9 Computation of mutual coupling between slot coupled microstrip patches in a finite array S. G. Pan;I. Wolff
  14. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. v.AP-34 no.12 A reciprocity method of analysis for printed slot and slot coupled microstrip antennas D. M. Pozar
  15. 대한전자공학회 논문지(A) v.29 no.2 모멘트법을 이용한 마이크로스트립 패치 안테나의 특성 해석 장병준;문호원;박한규