페이딩 채널 환경하에서의 양자화 특성에 의한 AF CR loop의 성능평가

Under the fading channel environment, performance evaluation of AF CR loop Due to the quantization effect

  • 송재철 (인덕전문대학교 사무자동화과) ;
  • 이경하 (성균관대학교 전자공학과) ;
  • 김선형 (순천향대학교 정보통신공학과) ;
  • 최형진 (성균관대학교 전자공학과)
  • 발행 : 1996.03.01


In this paper, we present simulation result of quantization effects about a new Angular From Carrier Recovery Loop(AF CR loop) for PSK modulation technique. AF CR loop includes detected angle symbol and Multi Level hardimiter. In general, detected angle is used in dtermining symbol. Because detected angle is used to make an error signal of phase detector output, hardware implementation of AF CR loop is simpler than that of other loops. Before hardware implementation of AF CR loop, the result due to quantization effect should be investigated. In order to confirm quntization effect of AF CR loop, we evaluate performance of this loop by Monte-Carlosimulation method. Under both in the AWGN and Jake's fading noise channel environments, we confirmed the characteristics of AF CR loop in terms of RMS jitter due to quntization effect. Differential APSK modulation schemeis used in this paper. Especially, Jake's fading channel is used as a channel model and also AGC(Automatic Gain Control) is used in the overall process of performance evaluation. We obtained the resonable result of quantization effect about AF CR loop. With the result of performanceevaluation based on quantization effects, we can expect to operate AF CRloop under the fading channel environments reasonably well.



  1. Synchronization Systems in Communication and Control W. C. Lindsey
  2. Telecommunication Systems Engineering W. C. Lindsey;M. K. Simon
  3. NTC Proceedings Digital Phase-Locked Loops for Suppressed Carrier Recovery W. C. Lindsey;M. K. Simon
  4. IEEE Trans. Comm. v.COM-26 Tracking Performance of Costas Loops with Hard-Limited In-Phase Channel M. K. Simon
  5. IEEE Trans. Comm. v.COM-30 A Generalized Polarity-Type Costas Loop for Tracking MPSK Signals H. C. Osborne
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  7. IEEE Trans. Comm. v.COM-22 Carrier Synchronization and Detection of QASK signal sets M. K. Simon;J. G. Smith
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  9. IEEE Trans. Comm. v.COM-31 Universal Carrier Recovery Loop for QASK and PSK Signal Sets A. Leclert;P. Vandamme
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  14. IEEE Trans. Comm. v.COM-28 Stability analysis of an Nth power digital phase locked loop-PART II : Second and Third-Order DPLL H. C. Osborne
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  16. 大韓電子工學會 논문지 A편 11월호 PSK 신호를 위한 새로운 Digital Carrier Recovery Loop에 관한 연구 송재처;최형진
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  18. IEEE Trans. on Comm. Exact Dynamics of Autimatic Gain Control John E. Ohlson